[Piglit] RFC [PATCH] shader: Test to check conditional component access in loops

Timothy Arceri tarceri at itsqueeze.com
Fri Aug 4 02:14:48 UTC 2017

On 04/08/17 00:15, Gert Wollny wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> thanks for the comments.
>>> +        u.z = 0.0;
>>> +    } while (a <= n);
>> Does the body of the loop need to be that complicated?
> The test must achieve two things: On one hand, at least one component
> of a temporary register must be written first at the beginning of the
> loop, and another component conditionally later, but not every time.
> Then the code must be complicated enough so that temporary registers
> could be merged and that the optimizer doesn't simplify the code too
> much before the merge step.
> Specifically, the test should fail if the register is not tracked
> component wise in the register merge step, and it actually took me some
> time to achieve this.
> I could add some comments to clarify this.

Yes please :)

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