[Piglit] [PATCH 2/5] gen_conversion: explicitly enumerate conversion target types

Nicolai Hähnle nhaehnle at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 18:59:23 UTC 2017

From: Nicolai Hähnle <nicolai.haehnle at amd.com>

Currently only 'd' for double, but will be extended for 64-bit integer
 generated_tests/gen_conversion.py | 21 +++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/generated_tests/gen_conversion.py b/generated_tests/gen_conversion.py
index fca3b17..456998b 100644
--- a/generated_tests/gen_conversion.py
+++ b/generated_tests/gen_conversion.py
@@ -258,29 +258,30 @@ class TestTuple(object):
         """Returns the inverted float32 hexadecimal representation from a
            float64 hexadecimal representation.
         assert isinstance(hstr, str)
         temp = np.divide(1.0, TestTuple.hex_to_double(hstr))
         float_double = np.float32(temp)
         return TestTuple.float_to_hex(float_double)
     def __init__(self, ver, stage,
                  first_dimension, second_dimension,
-                 basic_type, names_only):
+                 basic_type, target_type, names_only):
         assert stage in ('vert', 'geom', 'frag')
         assert first_dimension in ('1', '2', '3', '4')
         assert second_dimension in ('1', '2', '3', '4')
         assert isinstance(names_only, bool)
         self._ver = ver
         self._stage = stage
         self._basic_type = basic_type
+        self._target_type = target_type
         self._names_only = names_only
         self._double_type = ''
         self._conversion_type = ''
         self._uniform_type = ''
         self._amount = int(first_dimension) * int(second_dimension)
         self._filenames = []
         if first_dimension != '1':
             dimensional_type = 'mat' + first_dimension
             if first_dimension != second_dimension:
@@ -343,47 +344,51 @@ class RegularTestTuple(TestTuple):
     def all_tests(names_only):
         """Returns all the possible contained conversion test instances."""
         assert isinstance(names_only, bool)
         stages = ['vert', 'geom', 'frag']
         dimensions = ['1', '2', '3', '4']
         basic_types = ['b', 'u', 'i', 'f']
+        target_types = ['d']
         glsl_ver = ['GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64', '400']
         if not names_only:
             test_types = ['compiler', 'execution']
             for ver, test_type in itertools.product(glsl_ver, test_types):
                 utils.safe_makedirs(get_dir_name(ver, test_type))
-        for ver, stage, first_dimension, second_dimension, basic_type in itertools.product(
+        for ver, stage, first_dimension, second_dimension, basic_type, target_type in itertools.product(
-                basic_types):
-            if not (first_dimension != '1' and (second_dimension == '1' or basic_type != 'f')):
+                basic_types,
+                target_types):
+            if (not (first_dimension != '1' and (second_dimension == '1' or basic_type != 'f')) and
+                (basic_type not in target_types or basic_type < target_type)):
                 yield RegularTestTuple(ver, stage,
                                        first_dimension, second_dimension,
-                                       basic_type, names_only)
+                                       basic_type, target_type, names_only)
     def __init__(self, ver, stage,
                  first_dimension, second_dimension,
-                 basic_type, names_only):
+                 basic_type, target_type, names_only):
         assert ver in ('GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64', '400')
         assert basic_type in ('b', 'u', 'i', 'f')
+        assert target_type in ('d')
         assert not (first_dimension != '1' and (second_dimension == '1' or basic_type != 'f'))
         super(RegularTestTuple, self).__init__(ver, stage,
                                                first_dimension, second_dimension,
-                                               basic_type, names_only)
+                                               basic_type, target_type, names_only)
     def _gen_comp_test(self, from_type, to_type, converted_from):
         filename = os.path.join(
             get_dir_name(self._ver, 'compiler'),
             '{}-conversion-implicit-{}-{}-bad.{}'.format(self._stage, from_type, to_type,
         if not self._names_only:
@@ -512,21 +517,21 @@ class ZeroSignTestTuple(TestTuple):
                                         basic_type, names_only)
     def __init__(self, ver, stage,
                  first_dimension, second_dimension,
                  basic_type, names_only):
         assert ver in ('410', '420')
         assert basic_type == 'f'
         assert not (first_dimension != '1' and second_dimension == '1')
         super(ZeroSignTestTuple, self).__init__(ver, stage,
                                                 first_dimension, second_dimension,
-                                                basic_type, names_only)
+                                                basic_type, 'd', names_only)
     def __gen_zero_sign_exec_test(self, from_type, to_type,
                                   uniform_from_type, uniform_to_type,
                                   explicit, converted_from, conversions):
         filename = os.path.join(
             get_dir_name(self._ver, 'execution'),
             '{}-conversion-{}-{}-{}-zero-sign.shader_test'.format(self._stage, explicit,
                                                                   from_type, to_type))

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