[Piglit] [RFC 03/10] framework: add Test.name attribute

Nicolai Hähnle nhaehnle at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 10:26:52 UTC 2017

From: Nicolai Hähnle <nicolai.haehnle at amd.com>

So that we can just pass Test objects around instead of (name, test)
 framework/backends/abstract.py |  8 ++++----
 framework/profile.py           | 26 +++++++++++++++-----------
 framework/programs/run.py      |  2 +-
 framework/test/base.py         | 11 ++++++-----
 tests/all.py                   |  2 +-
 tests/cpu.py                   |  4 ++--
 tests/glslparser.py            |  2 +-
 tests/gpu.py                   |  4 ++--
 tests/quick.py                 |  6 +++---
 tests/shader.py                |  2 +-
 tests/xts-render.py            |  4 +++-
 11 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/framework/backends/abstract.py b/framework/backends/abstract.py
index 27dec7e6b..cee7d7bdf 100644
--- a/framework/backends/abstract.py
+++ b/framework/backends/abstract.py
@@ -184,40 +184,40 @@ class FileBackend(Backend):
     def _write(self, f, name, data):
         """Method that writes a TestResult into a result file."""
     def _file_extension(self):
         """The file extension of the backend."""
-    def write_test(self, name):
+    def write_test(self, test):
         """Write a test.
         When this context manager is opened it will first write a placeholder
         file with the status incomplete.
         When it is called to write the final result it will create a temporary
         file, write to that file, then move that file over the original,
         incomplete status file. This helps to make the operation atomic, as
         long as the filesystem continues running and the result was valid in
         the original file it will be valid at the end
         def finish(val):
             tfile = file_ + '.tmp'
             with open(tfile, 'w') as f:
-                self._write(f, name, val)
+                self._write(f, test.name.lower(), val)
             shutil.move(tfile, file_)
         file_ = os.path.join(self._dest, 'tests', '{}.{}'.format(
             next(self._counter), self._file_extension))
         with open(file_, 'w') as f:
             incomplete = TestResult(result=INCOMPLETE)
-            incomplete.root = name
-            self._write(f, name, incomplete)
+            incomplete.root = test.name
+            self._write(f, test.name.lower(), incomplete)
         yield finish
diff --git a/framework/profile.py b/framework/profile.py
index a19b4d2d2..c95ab9341 100644
--- a/framework/profile.py
+++ b/framework/profile.py
@@ -71,33 +71,33 @@ class RegexFilter(object):
     filters -- a list of regex compiled objects.
     Keyword Arguments:
     inverse -- Inverse the sense of the match.
     def __init__(self, filters, inverse=False):
         self.filters = [re.compile(f, flags=re.IGNORECASE) for f in filters]
         self.inverse = inverse
-    def __call__(self, name, _):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    def __call__(self, test):
         # This needs to match the signature (name, test), since it doesn't need
         # the test instance use _.
         # If self.filters is empty then return True, we don't want to remove
         # any tests from the run.
         if not self.filters:
             return True
         if not self.inverse:
-            return any(r.search(name) for r in self.filters)
+            return any(r.search(test.name) for r in self.filters)
-            return not any(r.search(name) for r in self.filters)
+            return not any(r.search(test.name) for r in self.filters)
 class TestDict(collections.MutableMapping):
     """A special kind of dict for tests.
     This mapping lowers the names of keys by default, and enforces that keys be
     strings (not bytes) and that values are Test derived objects. It is also a
     wrapper around collections.OrderedDict.
     This class doesn't accept keyword arguments, this is intentional. This is
@@ -130,20 +130,23 @@ class TestDict(collections.MutableMapping):
         # Values should either be more Tests
         if not isinstance(value, Test):
             raise exceptions.PiglitFatalError(
                 "TestDict values must be a Test, but was a {}".format(
         # This must be lowered before the following test, or the test can pass
         # in error if the key has capitals in it.
         key = key.lower()
+        # Store the name of the test in the Test object
+        value.name = key
         # If there is already a test of that value in the tree it is an error
         if not self.__allow_reassignment and key in self.__container:
             if self.__container[key] != value:
                 error = (
                     'Further, the two tests are not the same,\n'
                     'The original test has this command:   "{0}"\n'
                     'The new test has this command:        "{1}"'.format(
                         ' '.join(self.__container[key].command),
                         ' '.join(value.command))
@@ -316,22 +319,23 @@ class TestProfile(object):
             opts = collections.OrderedDict()
             for n in self.forced_test_list:
                 if self.options['ignore_missing'] and n not in self.test_list:
                     opts[n] = DummyTest(n, status.NOTRUN)
                     opts[n] = self.test_list[n]
             opts = self.test_list  # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
         for k, v in six.iteritems(opts):
-            if all(f(k, v) for f in self.filters):
-                yield k, v
+            assert v.name.lower() == k
+            if all(f(v) for f in self.filters):
+                yield v
 def load_test_profile(filename):
     """Load a python module and return it's profile attribute.
     All of the python test files provide a profile attribute which is a
     TestProfile instance. This loads that module and returns it or raises an
     This method doesn't care about file extensions as a way to be backwards
@@ -388,56 +392,56 @@ def run(profiles, logger, backend, concurrency):
     # The logger needs to know how many tests are running. Because of filters
     # there's no way to do that without making a concrete list out of the
     # filters profiles.
     profiles = [(p, list(p.itertests())) for p in profiles]
     log = LogManager(logger, sum(len(l) for _, l in profiles))
     # check that after the filters are run there are actually tests to run.
     if not any(l for _, l in profiles):
         raise exceptions.PiglitUserError('no matching tests')
-    def test(name, test, profile, this_pool=None):
+    def test(test, profile, this_pool=None):
         """Function to call test.execute from map"""
-        with backend.write_test(name) as w:
-            test.execute(name, log.get(), profile.options)
+        with backend.write_test(test) as w:
+            test.execute(log.get(), profile.options)
         if profile.options['monitor'].abort_needed:
     def run_threads(pool, profile, test_list, filterby=None):
         """ Open a pool, close it, and join it """
         if filterby:
             # Although filterby could be attached to TestProfile as a filter,
             # it would have to be removed when run_threads exits, requiring
             # more code, and adding side-effects
             test_list = (x for x in test_list if filterby(x))
-        pool.imap(lambda pair: test(pair[0], pair[1], profile, pool),
+        pool.imap(lambda t: test(t, profile, pool),
                   test_list, chunksize)
     def run_profile(profile, test_list):
         """Run an individual profile."""
         if concurrency == "all":
             run_threads(multi, profile, test_list)
         elif concurrency == "none":
             run_threads(single, profile, test_list)
             assert concurrency == "some"
             # Filter and return only thread safe tests to the threaded pool
             run_threads(multi, profile, test_list,
-                        lambda x: x[1].run_concurrent)
+                        lambda x: x.run_concurrent)
             # Filter and return the non thread safe tests to the single
             # pool
             run_threads(single, profile, test_list,
-                        lambda x: not x[1].run_concurrent)
+                        lambda x: not x.run_concurrent)
     # Multiprocessing.dummy is a wrapper around Threading that provides a
     # multiprocessing compatible API
     # The default value of pool is the number of virtual processor cores
     single = multiprocessing.dummy.Pool(1)
     multi = multiprocessing.dummy.Pool()
diff --git a/framework/programs/run.py b/framework/programs/run.py
index 5fe841992..4acccf348 100644
--- a/framework/programs/run.py
+++ b/framework/programs/run.py
@@ -428,21 +428,21 @@ def resume(input_):
             p.dmesg = dmesg.get_dmesg(results.options['dmesg'])
         if results.options['monitoring']:
             p.options['monitor'] = monitoring.Monitoring(
         if results.options['ignore_missing']:
             p.options['ignore_missing'] = results.options['ignore_missing']
         if exclude_tests:
-            p.filters.append(lambda n, _: n not in exclude_tests)
+            p.filters.append(lambda test: test.name.lower() not in exclude_tests)
         if results.options['exclude_filter']:
         if results.options['include_filter']:
         if results.options['forced_test_list']:
             p.forced_test_list = results.options['forced_test_list']
diff --git a/framework/test/base.py b/framework/test/base.py
index a8f81f547..d7b9432f5 100644
--- a/framework/test/base.py
+++ b/framework/test/base.py
@@ -165,46 +165,47 @@ class Test(object):
     from the command line, run() is a more basic method for running the test,
     and is called internally by execute(), but is can be useful outside of it.
     command -- a value to be passed to subprocess.Popen
     Keyword Arguments:
     run_concurrent -- If True the test is thread safe. Default: False
-    __slots__ = ['run_concurrent', 'env', 'result', 'cwd', '_command']
+    __slots__ = ['name', 'run_concurrent', 'env', 'result', 'cwd', '_command']
     timeout = None
     def __init__(self, command, run_concurrent=False):
         assert isinstance(command, list), command
+        self.name = ''
         self.run_concurrent = run_concurrent
         self._command = copy.copy(command)
         self.env = {}
         self.result = TestResult()
         self.cwd = None
-    def execute(self, path, log, options):
+    def execute(self, log, options):
         """ Run a test
         Run a test, but with features. This times the test, uses dmesg checking
         (if requested), and runs the logger.
         path    -- the name of the test
         log     -- a log.Log instance
         options -- a dictionary containing dmesg and monitoring objects
-        log.start(path)
+        log.start(self.name)
         # Run the test
-        self.result.root = path
+        self.result.root = self.name
         if OPTIONS.execute:
                 self.result.time.start = time.time()
                 self.result.time.end = time.time()
                 self.result = options['dmesg'].update_result(self.result)
             # This is a rare case where a bare exception is okay, since we're
@@ -380,21 +381,21 @@ class Test(object):
     def __ne__(self, other):
         return not self == other
 class DummyTest(Test):
     def __init__(self, name, result):
         super(DummyTest, self).__init__([name])
         self.result.result = result
-    def execute(self, path, log, options):
+    def execute(self, log, options):
     def interpret_result(self):
 class WindowResizeMixin(object):
     """ Mixin class that deals with spurious window resizes
     On gnome (and possible other DE's) the window manager may decide to resize
diff --git a/tests/all.py b/tests/all.py
index fdb4a3e71..0c75de54e 100644
--- a/tests/all.py
+++ b/tests/all.py
@@ -5013,11 +5013,11 @@ with profile.test_list.group_manager(
     g(['arb_bindless_texture-conversions'], 'conversions')
     g(['arb_bindless_texture-errors'], 'errors')
     g(['arb_bindless_texture-handles'], 'handles')
     g(['arb_bindless_texture-illegal'], 'illegal')
     g(['arb_bindless_texture-legal'], 'legal')
     g(['arb_bindless_texture-limit'], 'limit')
     g(['arb_bindless_texture-uint64_attribs'], 'uint64_attribs')
     g(['arb_bindless_texture-uniform'], 'uniform')
 if platform.system() is 'Windows':
-    profile.filters.append(lambda p, _: not p.startswith('glx'))
+    profile.filters.append(lambda test: not test.name.lower().startswith('glx'))
diff --git a/tests/cpu.py b/tests/cpu.py
index 65d999062..f8347b36f 100644
--- a/tests/cpu.py
+++ b/tests/cpu.py
@@ -14,18 +14,18 @@ from __future__ import (
     absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
 from tests.quick import profile as _profile
 from framework.test import GLSLParserTest
 __all__ = ['profile']
 profile = _profile.copy()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-def filter_gpu(name, test):
+def filter_gpu(test):
     """Remove all tests that are run on the GPU."""
-    if isinstance(test, GLSLParserTest) or name.startswith('asmparsertest'):
+    if isinstance(test, GLSLParserTest) or test.name.lower().startswith('asmparsertest'):
         return True
     return False
diff --git a/tests/glslparser.py b/tests/glslparser.py
index 5d0facbc2..c74632d6a 100644
--- a/tests/glslparser.py
+++ b/tests/glslparser.py
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ from __future__ import (
     absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
 from framework.test import GLSLParserTest
 from tests.all import profile as _profile
 __all__ = ['profile']
 profile = _profile.copy()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-profile.filters.append(lambda _, t: isinstance(t, GLSLParserTest))
+profile.filters.append(lambda t: isinstance(t, GLSLParserTest))
diff --git a/tests/gpu.py b/tests/gpu.py
index fce550c67..0c4de3dbb 100644
--- a/tests/gpu.py
+++ b/tests/gpu.py
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ from __future__ import (
 from tests.quick import profile as _profile
 from framework.test import GLSLParserTest
 __all__ = ['profile']
 profile = _profile.copy()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 # Remove all parser tests, as they are compiler test
-profile.filters.append(lambda p, t: not isinstance(t, GLSLParserTest))
-profile.filters.append(lambda n, _: not n.startswith('asmparsertest'))
+profile.filters.append(lambda t: not isinstance(t, GLSLParserTest))
+profile.filters.append(lambda t: not t.name.lower().startswith('asmparsertest'))
diff --git a/tests/quick.py b/tests/quick.py
index c587357f6..f6d9225f7 100644
--- a/tests/quick.py
+++ b/tests/quick.py
@@ -25,22 +25,22 @@ __all__ = ['profile']
 # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
 class FilterVsIn(object):
     """Filter out 80% of the Vertex Attrib 64 vs_in tests."""
     def __init__(self):
         self.random = random.Random()
-    def __call__(self, name, _):
-        if 'vs_in' in name:
+    def __call__(self, test):
+        if 'vs_in' in test.name.lower():
             # 20%
             return self.random.random() <= .2
         return True
 profile = _profile.copy()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 GleanTest.GLOBAL_PARAMS += ["--quick"]
 # Set the --quick flag on a few image_load_store_tests
@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ with profile.test_list.group_manager(
 # Set the --quick flag on the image_size test
 with profile.test_list.group_manager(
         grouptools.join('spec', 'arb_shader_image_size')) as g:
     with profile.test_list.allow_reassignment:
         g(['arb_shader_image_size-builtin', '--quick'], 'builtin')
 # These take too long
-profile.filters.append(lambda n, _: '-explosion' not in n)
+profile.filters.append(lambda t: '-explosion' not in t.name.lower())
diff --git a/tests/shader.py b/tests/shader.py
index d283a577c..2518d990e 100644
--- a/tests/shader.py
+++ b/tests/shader.py
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ from __future__ import (
     absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
 from framework.test.shader_test import ShaderTest, MultiShaderTest
 from tests.all import profile as _profile
 __all__ = ['profile']
 profile = _profile.copy()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-profile.filters.append(lambda _, t: isinstance(t, (ShaderTest, MultiShaderTest)))
+profile.filters.append(lambda t: isinstance(t, (ShaderTest, MultiShaderTest)))
diff --git a/tests/xts-render.py b/tests/xts-render.py
index d2cd843f2..db921577f 100644
--- a/tests/xts-render.py
+++ b/tests/xts-render.py
@@ -23,20 +23,22 @@ from __future__ import (
     absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
 from tests.xts import profile as _profile
 __all__ = ['profile']
 profile = _profile.copy()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-def xts_render_filter(path, test):
+def xts_render_filter(test):
+    path = test.name.lower()
     # Keep any tests that aren't from xts.
     if 'xts5' not in path:
         return True
     # All of Xlib9 is for rendering.
     return 'xlib9' in path

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