[Piglit] [PATCH] ssbo/execution: test std140/430 struct deref

Florian Will florian.will at gmail.com
Sun Jan 7 15:59:04 UTC 2018

This catches Mesa bug 104492 on radeonsi. The existing std140/430 tests
don't assign whole struct variables, only individual struct members,
which does not trigger the bug.

Timothy Arceri recommended that I turn my stand-alone test case for this bug
into a piglit test case, which is a great idea. So here it is.

On my system, it fails using a recent Mesa git version and passes after
applying the patch [1] I sent to the mesa-dev list.

[1] https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/mesa-dev/2018-January/181157.html

Please make extra-sure to double-check the expected buffer locations at the
bottom of the new file to see if they comply with std140/430 rules. My OpenGL
experience is quite limited, but to the best of my understanding of the spec,
this is how it should work.

I wondered if the OpenGL/GLSL requirements could be relaxed as long as the
extension is available, but I'm not sure how to test this, so I kept the
requirements from basic.shader_test for SSBO.

 .../memory-layouts-struct-deref.shader_test        | 85 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 85 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/spec/arb_shader_storage_buffer_object/execution/memory-layouts-struct-deref.shader_test

diff --git a/tests/spec/arb_shader_storage_buffer_object/execution/memory-layouts-struct-deref.shader_test b/tests/spec/arb_shader_storage_buffer_object/execution/memory-layouts-struct-deref.shader_test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4cd50f498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/spec/arb_shader_storage_buffer_object/execution/memory-layouts-struct-deref.shader_test
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Tests std140/std430 memory layouts of SSBOs when dereferencing structs that
+# contain arrays and/or other structs.
+# std140 rule #4:
+# If the member is an array of scalars or vectors, the base alignment and
+# array stride are set to [..] and rounded up to the base alignment of a vec4.
+# -> array stride and alignment of uint[] is rounded up to 16.
+# std140 rule #9:
+# If the member is a structure, the base alignment of the structure is N,
+# where N is the largest base alignment value of any of its members, and
+# rounded up to the base alignment of a vec4.
+# -> offsets for first members of sub-structs are rounded up to 16*n bytes.
+# std430:
+# When using the std430 storage layout, shader storage blocks will be laid out
+# in buffer storage identically to uniform and shader storage blocks using the
+# std140 layout, except that the base alignment and stride of arrays of
+# scalars and vectors in rule 4 and of structures in rule 9 are not rounded up
+# a multiple of the base alignment of a vec4.
+# -> array stride and alignment of uint[] equals the size of uint, i.e. 4.
+# -> offsets for first members of sub-structs containing only uints are
+#    rounded up to 4*n bytes.
+# Mesa bug 104492 describes an issue where Mesa would not respect those
+# std430 alignment and padding rules when accessing a struct inside a std430
+# buffer, and would assume std140 alignments and struct/array sizes instead.
+# Therefore, create 1 SSBO using std140 and 1 SSBO using std430, then assign
+# a value to the struct in the buffer blocks. After the draw call, probe the
+# SSBOs to make sure the values end up at the correct buffer offsets.
+GL >= 3.3
+GLSL >= 3.30
+[vertex shader passthrough]
+[fragment shader]
+#version 330
+#extension GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object: require
+struct T {
+    uint c;
+struct S {
+    uint a;
+    uint b[2];
+    T t;
+layout(binding = 0, std140) buffer ssbo_std140 { S s140; };
+layout(binding = 1, std430) buffer ssbo_std430 { S s430; };
+void main() {
+    S s = S(42u, uint[2](1337u, 4711u), T(815u));
+    s140 = s;
+    s430 = s;
+ssbo 0 64
+ssbo 1 64 # 16 should be enough for std430, but assume that std140 is used
+draw rect -1 -1 2 2
+probe ssbo uint 0  0 == 42      # a
+probe ssbo uint 0  4 == 0       # b[0] should NOT end up here
+probe ssbo uint 0  8 == 0       # b[1] should NOT end up here
+probe ssbo uint 0 12 == 0       # c should NOT end up here
+probe ssbo uint 0 16 == 1337    # b[0]
+probe ssbo uint 0 20 == 0       # b[1] should NOT end up here (stride 16!)
+probe ssbo uint 0 32 == 4711    # b[1]
+probe ssbo uint 0 48 == 815     # c (b has padding, and T is 16n-aligned)
+probe ssbo uint 1  0 == 42      # a
+probe ssbo uint 1  4 == 1337    # b[0]
+probe ssbo uint 1  8 == 4711    # b[1] (array stride is 4)
+probe ssbo uint 1 12 == 815     # c (base alignment for T is 4)
+probe ssbo uint 1 16 == 0       # b[0] should NOT end up here
+probe ssbo uint 1 20 == 0       # b[1] should NOT end up here
+probe ssbo uint 1 32 == 0       # b[1] should NOT end up here
+probe ssbo uint 1 48 == 0       # c should NOT end up here

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