[Piglit] Spec justification for test_illegal_begin_mode?

Brian Paul brianp at vmware.com
Wed Dec 9 18:42:45 UTC 2020

On 12/09/2020 11:19 AM, Ian Romanick wrote:
> On 12/9/20 7:55 AM, Brian Paul wrote:
>> On 12/08/2020 05:47 PM, Ian Romanick wrote:
>>> On 12/1/20 7:43 AM, Brian Paul wrote:
>>>> On 11/26/2020 09:22 AM, Brian Paul wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 8:19 PM Ian Romanick <idr at freedesktop.org
>>>>> <mailto:idr at freedesktop.org>> wrote:
>>>>>       I was looking at the dlist-beginend subtest
>>>>> test_illegal_begin_mode.
>>>>>       The test compiles a display list with GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE
>>>>> mode.  The
>>>>>       glBegin in the test uses an invalid mode.  This should generate a
>>>>>       GL_INVALID_OPERATION error immediately.  The test checks this, and
>>>>> that
>>>>> GL_INVALID_ENUM, actually, but anyway..
>>>>>       seems correct.
>>>>>       The test then tries to execute the display list and checks for
>>>>>       GL_INVALID_OPERATION again.  I believe this is incorrect.  Section
>>>>> 5.4
>>>>>       ("Display Lists") of the OpenGL 1.0 spec (this is a gl-1.0 test,
>>>>> after
>>>>>       all!) says:
>>>>>            If mode is COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE then commands are executed as
>>>>> they
>>>>>            are encountered, then placed in the display list.
>>>>>       Section 2.5 ("GL Errors") of the OpenGL 1.0 spec says:
>>>>>            In other cases, the command generating the error is ignored
>>>>> so that
>>>>>            it has no effect on GL state or framebuffer contents.
>>>>> Unfortunately, the spec doesn't clearly define what's meant by
>>>>> "ignored" here.  That is, does it mean the command is not compiled
>>>>> into the display list?  My intuition is that even if a command has
>>>>> invalid args at compile time, the command should still be compiled
>>>>> into the list.  If the spec doesn't spell out the answer, I'd opt to
>>>>> do whatever other vendors do (hoping they're consistent).
>>>>>       While the section numbers and titles have changed, every later
>>>>> version
>>>>>       of the GL (compatibility profile) spec says the exact same thing.
>>>>>       To me, this indicates that the errant glBegin should not be
>>>>> included in
>>>>>       the display list.  Assuming this test passes on other
>>>>> implementations, I
>>>>>       think it does so only by luck.  The mis-matched glEnd in the
>>>>> display
>>>>>       list will generate the same error.  Am I missing some spec
>>>>> language to
>>>>>       justify this test?
>>>>> I haven't searched, but I suspect the spec doesn't explicitly describe
>>>>> this situation.
>>>>>       I noticed this because I was adding a test that does
>>>>>                glNewList(list, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE);
>>>>>                glColor4fv(green);
>>>>>                glBegin(GL_QUADS);
>>>>>                glBegin(GL_QUADS);
>>>>>                glVertex2f(-1, -1);
>>>>>                glVertex2f( 1, -1);
>>>>>                glVertex2f( 1, 0);
>>>>>                glVertex2f(-1, 0);
>>>>>                glEnd();
>>>>>                glEndList();
>>>>>       I expected an error while compiling the list, but I expected
>>>>> glCallList
>>>>>       to not generate an error.  Errors are generated in both places.
>>>>> I guess my instinct is that errors should be generated both at list
>>>>> compile and execute time.  I wonder if there's any API function /
>>>>> argument combinations that would be errant at compile time but not at
>>>>> execute time, depending on some other state.  If so, that would
>>>>> indicate that calls should always be compiled into the list, even if
>>>>> they generate an error at compile time.
>>>>>       I think it gets worse.  There's a second part to this new subtest
>>>>> that
>>>>>       replaces the errant glBegin call with glReadPixels.  glReadPixels
>>>>> is not
>>>>>       allowed between glBegin and glEnd, so it should generate an
>>>>> error in
>>>>>       GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE mode.  It does not.
>>>>> Sound like a run of the mill bug.
>>>>>       These changes are in the top commit of:
>>>>> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgitlab.freedesktop.org%2Fidr%2Fpiglit%2F-%2Fcommits%2Fdisplay-list-hell&data=04%7C01%7Cbrianp%40vmware.com%7C89be46b6a92e45dcdaf808d89c6ef860%7Cb39138ca3cee4b4aa4d6cd83d9dd62f0%7C0%7C1%7C637431347717810649%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=1tCyEIgpPwDa2VAqxoTRKw93MONcaWEU00qFkL7b40Q%3D&reserved=0
>>>>> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgitlab.freedesktop.org%2Fidr%2Fpiglit%2F-%2Fcommits%2Fdisplay-list-hell&data=04%7C01%7Cbrianp%40vmware.com%7C89be46b6a92e45dcdaf808d89c6ef860%7Cb39138ca3cee4b4aa4d6cd83d9dd62f0%7C0%7C1%7C637431347717810649%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=1tCyEIgpPwDa2VAqxoTRKw93MONcaWEU00qFkL7b40Q%3D&reserved=0>
>>>>>       I don't have any systems currently available with closed-source
>>>>> drivers,
>>>>>       but I would be very interested to see the results of
>>>>>       gl-1.0-dlist-beginend from that branch on any closed source
>>>>> drivers (on
>>>>>       any platform).
>>>>> I can check on Nvidia next week when I'm back.  Maybe someone else can
>>>>> test in the mean time.
>>>> Here's the results with Nvidia's 455.38 driver:
>>>> $  build-debug/bin/gl-1.0-dlist-beginend -auto
>>>> PIGLIT: {"enumerate subtests": ["glCallList inside glBegin-glEnd",
>>>> "nested glCallList inside glBegin-glEnd", "illegal glRect inside
>>>> glBegin-glEnd", "illegal glDrawArrays inside glBegin-glEnd", "illegal
>>>> glDrawArrays inside glBegin-glEnd (2)", "separate glBegin-glVertex-glEnd
>>>> lists", "illegal glBegin mode in display list"]}
>>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"glCallList inside glBegin-glEnd" : "pass"}}
>>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"nested glCallList inside glBegin-glEnd" : "pass"}}
>>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"illegal glRect inside glBegin-glEnd" : "pass"}}
>>>> Probe color at (80,80)
>>>>     Expected: 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000
>>>>     Observed: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
>>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"illegal glDrawArrays inside glBegin-glEnd" :
>>>> "fail"}}
>>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"illegal glDrawArrays inside glBegin-glEnd (2)" :
>>>> "pass"}}
>>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"separate glBegin-glVertex-glEnd lists" : "pass"}}
>>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"illegal glBegin mode in display list" : "pass"}}
>>>> PIGLIT: {"result": "fail" }
>>>> Looks like the subtest in question passes.
>>> Uh... I don't think that's the right branch.  There should be some new
>>> subtests with GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE in the name.  On current Mesa, I
>>> get output more like:
>>> $ mesa debug bin/gl-1.0-dlist-beginend -auto
>>> PIGLIT: {"enumerate subtests": ["glCallList inside glBegin-glEnd",
>>> "nested glCallList inside glBegin-glEnd", "illegal glRect inside
>>> glBegin-glEnd", "illegal glDrawArrays inside glBegin-glEnd", "illegal
>>> glDrawArrays inside glBegin-glEnd (2)", "separate
>>> glBegin-glVertex-glEnd lists", "illegal glBegin mode in display list",
>>> "glBegin-glEnd inside GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE", "glBegin-glBegin-glEnd
>>> inside GL_COMPILE", "glBegin-glBegin-glEnd inside
>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"glCallList inside glBegin-glEnd" : "pass"}}
>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"nested glCallList inside glBegin-glEnd" : "pass"}}
>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"illegal glRect inside glBegin-glEnd" : "pass"}}
>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"illegal glDrawArrays inside glBegin-glEnd" :
>>> "pass"}}
>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"illegal glDrawArrays inside glBegin-glEnd (2)" :
>>> "pass"}}
>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"separate glBegin-glVertex-glEnd lists" : "pass"}}
>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"illegal glBegin mode in display list" : "pass"}}
>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"glBegin-glEnd inside GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE" :
>>> "pass"}}
>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"glBegin-glBegin-glEnd inside GL_COMPILE" : "pass"}}
>>> Unexpected GL error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION 0x502
>>> (Error at
>>> /home/idr/devel/graphics/piglit/tests/spec/gl-1.0/dlist-beginend.c:182)
>>> Unexpected GL error: GL_NO_ERROR 0x0
>>> (Error at
>>> /home/idr/devel/graphics/piglit/tests/spec/gl-1.0/dlist-beginend.c:203)
>>> Expected GL error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION 0x502
>>> PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"glBegin-glBegin-glEnd inside
>>> GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE" : "fail"}}
>>> PIGLIT: {"result": "fail" }
>> I'm on master branch and the last change to the test is:
> Can you try the branch that I linked before? :)
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgitlab.freedesktop.org%2Fidr%2Fpiglit%2F-%2Ftree%2Fdisplay-list-hell&data=04%7C01%7Cbrianp%40vmware.com%7C89be46b6a92e45dcdaf808d89c6ef860%7Cb39138ca3cee4b4aa4d6cd83d9dd62f0%7C0%7C1%7C637431347717810649%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=3IzJ999v%2B7Mdwgo0CPzPbsa4L2WcQAmeMH5FQFDRlhQ%3D&reserved=0
> The top commits should be:
> 937f4bcd0 dlist-beginend: Test for errors in display lists with GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE
> eb2cb99bf dlist-beginend: Test for errors in display lists with GL_COMPILE
> 2a87084b2 nv_primitive_restart: Test for errors in display lists with GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE
> 4d667966e dlist-beginend: Try drawing with GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE
> dea7f61b3 ext_gpu_shader4: Test gl_PrimitiveID when combined with display lists
> 829d5c039 nv_primitive_restart: Add basic state set and get tests

Sorry, I missed the git URL before.  Here's the Nvidia results:

PIGLIT: {"enumerate subtests": ["glCallList inside glBegin-glEnd", 
"nested glCallList inside glBegin-glEnd", "illegal glRect inside 
glBegin-glEnd", "illegal glDrawArrays inside glBegin-glEnd", "illegal 
glDrawArrays inside glBegin-glEnd (2)", "separate glBegin-glVertex-glEnd 
lists", "illegal glBegin mode in display list", "glBegin-glEnd inside 
GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE", "glBegin-glBegin-glEnd inside GL_COMPILE", 
"glBegin-glBegin-glEnd inside GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE"]}
PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"glCallList inside glBegin-glEnd" : "pass"}}
PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"nested glCallList inside glBegin-glEnd" : "pass"}}
PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"illegal glRect inside glBegin-glEnd" : "pass"}}
Probe color at (80,80)
   Expected: 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000
   Observed: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"illegal glDrawArrays inside glBegin-glEnd" : "fail"}}
PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"illegal glDrawArrays inside glBegin-glEnd (2)" : 
PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"separate glBegin-glVertex-glEnd lists" : "pass"}}
PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"illegal glBegin mode in display list" : "pass"}}
PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"glBegin-glEnd inside GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE" : 
PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"glBegin-glBegin-glEnd inside GL_COMPILE" : "pass"}}
Unexpected GL error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION 0x502
(Error at 
Unexpected GL error: GL_NO_ERROR 0x0
(Error at 
Expected GL error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION 0x502
PIGLIT: {"subtest": {"glBegin-glBegin-glEnd inside 
PIGLIT: {"result": "fail" }


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