[Pixman] Shapes, etc.

Taekyun Kim podain77 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 05:22:23 PDT 2011


here are my some brief idea about your questions.

1. Can we support cairo's compositing operation better?

All compositing equations can be represented as an expression tree of
traditional binary porter/duff operators and ternary LERP operators.
We should decide whether providing limited set of such equations would
be sufficient or not for future requirement. As we all know, there're
three kinds of compositing operations in cairo.

     XRender : dst = ((src IN shape) OP dst) LERP_clip dst
     Bounded : dst = (src OP dst) LERP_(clip IN shape) dst
     Simple  : dst = (src IN (clip IN shape)) OP dst

And we expose fixed-functionality compositing interfaces like these

     pixman_image_composite_xrender(op, src, shape, clip, dst)
     pixman_image_composite_bounded(op, src, shape, clip, dst)
     pixman_image_composite_simple(op, src, shape, clip, dst)

However, this is not sufficient even for current version of cairo.
Cairo have to do extra work to construct single clip image from chain
of intersected clip paths. Cairo exposes clip APIs that allow clips
to be the form of "clip0 IN clip1 IN clip2 ... IN clipN".

If pixman can take the expression tree and composite it efficiently
that would be the best. I didn't deeply think about the pipeline for
doing such compositing in an efficient way, but it would be very hard
and complicated work. And I also can't decide currently that such
generality is really necessary.

For the current cairo use of pixman, I prefer
pixman_image_composite_with_clip(). pixman_image_set_clip_image()
increases statefulness thus causes users to track the state.

3. Can we pass shape information to pixman more efficiently?

For "Simple" compositing operations, cairo can generate a single span
image of "clip IN shape" by rasterizing shape polygon and clip polygon
at once. The other two compositing operations cannot be done in such a
way. So cairo should give both shape and clip image and let pixman do
composite via the above equations.

IMO, The advantage of polygon image is that we can avoid the converion
of polygon->spans->mask. With polygon image, pixman can convert
polygon directly to mask. And polygon image is a more general
representation of a shape while span is optimized for S/W rendering.

3. Should the pixman API be based on something other than images?

With GPU-like something, rendering will be retained or defered until
we need final image to be displayed. It seems reasonable that we can
defer actual processing until pixman_end_commandlist(). This provide
us great chance of optimization. We can reduce the operation tree to
a simpler one and process a bunch of commands in a single-pass.

Another possibility is that something like this.

     context = pixman_create_context(device);

     src = pixman_create_image(context, format, w, h);
     mask = pixman_create_image(context, format ,w, h);
     dst = pixman_create_image(context, format, w, h);

     pixman_image_composite(context, src, mask, dst);


We can convert composite requests into internal commands and put them
in the context's queue or construct tree representation of them.

Best Regards,
Taekyun Kim

On 08/24/2011 10:37 PM, Soeren Sandmann wrote:
> Hi,
> Here are some ideas on how to improve the support in pixman for cairo's
> compositing operation.  There are several separate questions related to
> that:
>     1. Can we support cairo's compositing operation better?
>     2. Can we pass shape information to pixman more efficiently?
> and a tangential third one:
>     3. Should the pixman API be based on something other than images?
> The TL;DR is a strawman proposal to add:
>     - pixman_image_set_clip_image()
>     - support for<op>_LERP operators
>     - either a polygon or a spans image
> 1. Can we support cairo's compositing operation better?
> The first question pertains to the fact that cairo's operation is more
> complex than what pixman and X Render provides. This leads to extra work
> in cairo to construct the desired compositing operation.
> One aspect of this is that cairo supports clipping to arbitrary shapes,
> whereas pixman only supports axis aligned regions. A straightforward fix
> for this is just add support for clip images:
>          pixman_image_set_clip_image (pixman_image_t *image,
>                                       pixman_image_t *clip);
> which means that when @image is used as a destination, all rendering is
> clipped to the alpha channel of @clip in addition to being clipped to
> the clip region. (We need both the region and the clip image because the
> X server will want to set a clip region based on the window hierarchy in
> any case).
> The simplest way to implement this is to have the general implementation
> run an iterator for the clip image, and then pass a clip buffer to the
> combiners. In addition to computing the regular operator, the combiners
> would then also do LERP_clip onto the destination buffer.
>          pixman_image_composite_with_clip (src, mask, dest, clip, ...)
> It may also be that it would more useful to instead add a new function
> that takes a clip image in addition to src, mask, and dest.
> Another aspect is that cairo uses a different rendering equation in some
> cases. The two equations used are:
>          unbounded:   [(src IN shape) OP dest          ] LERP_clip dest
>          bounded:     [(src OP dest) LERP_shape dest   ] LERP_clip dest
> With shaped clips, the LERP_clip part is taken care of, and the first
> equation is already directly supported by pixman. The second one could
> be supported by adding new<op>_LERP operators that would use the
>       (src OP dest) LERP_shape dest
> equation. For cairo's purposes, all we need is CLEAR_LERP and SRC_LERP,
> but I think it could be useful to have the full set of LERP operators.
> 2. Can we pass shape information to pixman more efficiently?
> The second question is whether there is a more efficient way to pass
> shape information to pixman than passing them as 8 bit alpha masks.
> A polygon image is a possibility, and the one that I prefer as it allows
> more processing to happen in one pass, and because it is a more compact
> representation which is useful for the X protocol. There could be a
> method on such an image to generate a list of spans, so that cairo
> wouldn't need to maintain its own polygon rasterizer.
> But passing the information as spans is another possibility. If we add
> support for clip images, the obvious way to add spans support would be
> through a spans image:
>       pixman_image_create_spans (const pixman_span_t *spans,
>                                  int                  n_spans);
> that could be used both as the shape and as the clip. The initial
> implementation of such an image would be very simple: just implement an
> iterator that walks the list of spans, generating argb scanline buffers.
> An appealing prospect here is a fast path that processes both shape and
> clip in one pass. If both span lists are known to be sorted in YX order,
> then they could be processed in one linear pass through both.
> 3. Should the pixman API be based on something other than images?
> Finally, the more tangential question is whether pixman's API should be
> based on image objects in the future. They tend to be a little clumsy to
> use in both cairo and X. I wrote down some halfbaked ideas here:
>       http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~sandmann/pixman/tree/docs/new-api?h=docs
> inspired by Chris' old suggestion that pixman should behave more like a
> GPU.
> The gist of it is that instead of operating on image objects, there is
> just one pixman_context_t that has a bunch of properties that can be
> set. Once all the properties are set, the user is expected to call
> pixman_context_composite().
> There is also an api that allows bulk setting of properties so that an
> application can submit a list of commands and pixman would then carry
> them out, pretty much like a GPU would.
> It could be considered a generalization of the pixman_compositor_t idea
> from Chris' patch.
> Comments on all three questions welcome.
> Thanks,
> Soren

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