[Pixman] [PATCH 0/2] 7-bit bilinear interpolation precision

Siarhei Siamashka siarhei.siamashka at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 14:08:46 PDT 2012

On Thu, 05 Jul 2012 12:25:55 -0700
Bill Spitzak <spitzak at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 07/05/2012 12:22 AM, Siarhei Siamashka wrote:
> > Separable scaling is good idea, but it is not a silver bullet.
> > Downscaling is still a valid use case, and separable scaling would
> > provide no reduction for the number of arithmetic operations for it.
> This is not true. In fact 2-pass scaling is a much *bigger* win for 
> downscaling if you use filters of size greater than 1. And filters 
> larger than 1 are absolutely required to fix the artifacts that are
> in current downscaling.

Looks like you got it backwards. Let's do some calculations. For the
sake of simplicity, let's assume that MxM image is scaled to NxN size.

In the case of single pass bilinear scaling, we fetch 2x2 pixel block
from the source image for each destination pixel (total N * N times) and
perform 1 vertical interpolation followed by 1 horizontal
interpolation for it. This is total "N * N + N * N" interpolation
operations (let's ignore the fact that horizontal interpolation is a
little bit more expensive).

In the case of 2-pass scaling, typically all the pixels from the
source image are participating in calculations (unless M >= 2 * N,
which is 2x+ downscaling). So the number of horizontal interpolation
operations is M * N (each source scanline gets horizontally scaled
to size N and cached). The number of vertical interpolation
operations is N * N (we are doing it for every destination pixel
on the second pass). So the total number of interpolation operations
is "M * N + N * N" for 2-pass bilinear scaling.

Now we only need to compare "N * N + N * N" with "M * N + N * N". In
the case of downscaling (N < M), 2-pass scaling needs more arithmetic
operations. Now let's remember that horizontal interpolation is more
expensive (horizontal weights need to be recalculated every time) and
storing/reloading data between passes adds more overhead, which makes
the outcome even worse for 2-pass scaling.

> Single-pass bilinear is *not* a big loss for upscaling, because as
> you noticed there is overhead of the intermediate values. It is
> pretty much equivalent to stretching the image in one direction, and
> then in the other. You need to store this intermediate stretched
> image, which is bigger than the original.

Increasing the scale factor for upscaling is going to eventually let the
2-pass algorithm outperform its single pass counterpart. There must
be a crossover point somewhere, and it can be used to make a decision
which algorithm to select for better performance in each particular

> What I propose is that an integer down-scale be selected and used to 
> box-filter which can be computed extremely fast (there are no varying 
> weights). This resulting image, which will always be smaller, and
> could be cached, can then be bilinear interpolated using the current
> code.

That's a totally different topic (image quality for downscaling), which
has been already discussed way too much.

Best regards,
Siarhei Siamashka

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