[Pixman] [PATCH 1/1] Add fast path for over operations with repeat=none masks

Ben Avison bavison at riscosopen.org
Thu Mar 7 07:47:35 PST 2013

This is a surprisingly common case (across 18 of the cairo-perf-trace tests).
Because areas outside the pixel grid have value 0 when repeat=none, and
because an "over" operation is a no-op when src*mask==0, this can be
implemented by cropping the operation to the pixel grid and passing on the
remaining pixels to another fast path.

Overall speed improvement is modest, however. The changes measured on ARMv6:

                        Before          After
                        Mean   StdDev   Mean   StdDev  Confidence  Change
t-gnome-terminal-vim    15.9   0.1      15.5   0.1     100.0%      +2.6%
t-poppler               8.9    0.1      8.7    0.1     99.5%       +1.3%
t-poppler-reseau        20.9   0.2      20.7   0.1     99.6%       +1.0%
t-xfce4-terminal-a1     18.4   0.1      18.3   0.1     99.2%       +1.0%
t-swfdec-youtube        8.0    0.0      7.9    0.0     99.7%       +0.8%
t-firefox-fishbowl      21.6   0.1      21.6   0.1     99.2%       +0.3%
 pixman/pixman-fast-path.c |   55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pixman/pixman-fast-path.c b/pixman/pixman-fast-path.c
index 247aea6..5b5ccc9 100644
--- a/pixman/pixman-fast-path.c
+++ b/pixman/pixman-fast-path.c
@@ -1367,6 +1367,52 @@ fast_composite_tiled_repeat (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
 	_pixman_image_fini (&extended_src_image);
+static void
+fast_composite_none_repeat_mask_over (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+                                      pixman_composite_info_t *info)
+    pixman_composite_info_t info2 = *info;
+    int32_t trim_left = MAX (-mask_x, -dest_x);
+    int32_t trim_right = width + MAX (mask_x - mask_image->bits.width, dest_x - dest_image->bits.width);
+    int32_t trim_top = MAX (-mask_y, -dest_y);
+    int32_t trim_bottom = height + MAX (mask_y - mask_image->bits.height, dest_y - dest_image->bits.height);
+    if (trim_left < 0)
+        trim_left = 0;
+    if (trim_right < 0)
+        trim_right = 0;
+    if (trim_top < 0)
+        trim_top = 0;
+    if (trim_bottom < 0)
+        trim_bottom = 0;
+    info2.width -= trim_left + trim_right;
+    info2.height -= trim_top + trim_bottom;
+    if (info2.width > 0 && info2.height > 0)
+    {
+        pixman_composite_func_t func;
+        info2.src_x += trim_left;
+        info2.src_y += trim_top;
+        info2.mask_x += trim_left;
+        info2.mask_y += trim_top;
+        info2.dest_x += trim_left;
+        info2.dest_y += trim_top;
+        info2.mask_flags = (info->mask_flags & ~FAST_PATH_NONE_REPEAT) |
+        _pixman_implementation_lookup_composite (
+                imp->toplevel, info2.op,
+                src_image->common.extended_format_code, info2.src_flags,
+                mask_image->common.extended_format_code, info2.mask_flags,
+                dest_image->common.extended_format_code, info2.dest_flags,
+                &imp, &func);
+        func (imp, &info2);
+    }
 /* Use more unrolling for src_0565_0565 because it is typically CPU bound */
 static force_inline void
 scaled_nearest_scanline_565_565_SRC (uint16_t *       dst,
@@ -1961,6 +2007,15 @@ static const pixman_fast_path_t c_fast_paths[] =
     SIMPLE_ROTATE_FAST_PATH (SRC, r5g6b5, r5g6b5, 565),
     SIMPLE_ROTATE_FAST_PATH (SRC, a8, a8, 8),
+    {   PIXMAN_OP_OVER,
+        PIXMAN_any,
+        fast_composite_none_repeat_mask_over
+    },
     /* Simple repeat fast path entry. */
     {	PIXMAN_OP_any,

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