[Pixman] [PATCH 2/2] AVX2 implementation of OVER, ROVER, ADD, ROUT operators.
Raghuveer Devulapalli
raghuveer.devulapalli at intel.com
Sun Mar 17 16:23:54 UTC 2019
From: raghuveer devulapalli <raghuveer.devulapalli at intel.com>
Performance benefits benchmarked on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900 CPU @
3.30GHz. These patches improve performance of both high level and low level
| cairo-perf-trace | AVX2 Avg | AVX2 stdev | SSE2 Avg | SSE2 stdev | % change |
| poppler | 1.125s | 0.30% | 1.284s | 0.19% | +14.13% |
| firefox-canvas-scroll | 2.503s | 0.21% | 2.853s | 0.22% | +13.98% |
| lowlevel-blt-bench | AVX2 | SSE2 | % change |
| OVER_8888_8888 L1 | 2118.06 | 1250.50 | +69.37% |
| OVER_8888_8888 L2 | 1967.59 | 1245.87 | +57.90% |
| OVER_8888_8888 M | 1694.10 | 1183.65 | +43.12% |
| OVER_8888_8888 HT | 562.82 | 556.45 | +01.11% |
| OVER_8888_8888 VT | 411.19 | 349.78 | +17.56% |
| OVER_8888_8888 R | 369.46 | 332.09 | +11.25% |
| OVER_8888_8888 RT | 172.36 | 151.37 | +13.86% |
pixman/pixman-avx2.c | 635 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 634 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pixman/pixman-avx2.c b/pixman/pixman-avx2.c
index d860d67..bd1817e 100644
--- a/pixman/pixman-avx2.c
+++ b/pixman/pixman-avx2.c
@@ -7,13 +7,641 @@
#include "pixman-combine32.h"
#include "pixman-inlines.h"
+#define MASK_0080_AVX2 _mm256_set1_epi16 (0x0080)
+#define MASK_00FF_AVX2 _mm256_set1_epi16 (0x00ff)
+#define MASK_0101_AVX2 _mm256_set1_epi16 (0x0101)
+static force_inline __m256i
+load_256_unaligned_masked (int* src, __m256i mask)
+ return _mm256_maskload_epi32 (src, mask);
+static force_inline __m256i
+get_partial_256_data_mask (const int num_elem, const int total_elem)
+ int maskint[16] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
+ int* addr = maskint + total_elem - num_elem;
+ return _mm256_loadu_si256 ((__m256i*) addr);
+static force_inline void
+negate_2x256 (__m256i data_lo,
+ __m256i data_hi,
+ __m256i* neg_lo,
+ __m256i* neg_hi)
+ *neg_lo = _mm256_xor_si256 (data_lo, MASK_00FF_AVX2);
+ *neg_hi = _mm256_xor_si256 (data_hi, MASK_00FF_AVX2);
+static force_inline __m256i
+pack_2x256_256 (__m256i lo, __m256i hi)
+ return _mm256_packus_epi16 (lo, hi);
+static force_inline void
+pix_multiply_2x256 (__m256i* data_lo,
+ __m256i* data_hi,
+ __m256i* alpha_lo,
+ __m256i* alpha_hi,
+ __m256i* ret_lo,
+ __m256i* ret_hi)
+ __m256i lo, hi;
+ lo = _mm256_mullo_epi16 (*data_lo, *alpha_lo);
+ hi = _mm256_mullo_epi16 (*data_hi, *alpha_hi);
+ lo = _mm256_adds_epu16 (lo, MASK_0080_AVX2);
+ hi = _mm256_adds_epu16 (hi, MASK_0080_AVX2);
+ *ret_lo = _mm256_mulhi_epu16 (lo, MASK_0101_AVX2);
+ *ret_hi = _mm256_mulhi_epu16 (hi, MASK_0101_AVX2);
+static force_inline void
+over_2x256 (__m256i* src_lo,
+ __m256i* src_hi,
+ __m256i* alpha_lo,
+ __m256i* alpha_hi,
+ __m256i* dst_lo,
+ __m256i* dst_hi)
+ __m256i t1, t2;
+ negate_2x256 (*alpha_lo, *alpha_hi, &t1, &t2);
+ pix_multiply_2x256 (dst_lo, dst_hi, &t1, &t2, dst_lo, dst_hi);
+ *dst_lo = _mm256_adds_epu8 (*src_lo, *dst_lo);
+ *dst_hi = _mm256_adds_epu8 (*src_hi, *dst_hi);
+static force_inline void
+expand_alpha_2x256 (__m256i data_lo,
+ __m256i data_hi,
+ __m256i* alpha_lo,
+ __m256i* alpha_hi)
+ __m256i lo, hi;
+ lo = _mm256_shufflelo_epi16 (data_lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
+ hi = _mm256_shufflelo_epi16 (data_hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
+ *alpha_lo = _mm256_shufflehi_epi16 (lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
+ *alpha_hi = _mm256_shufflehi_epi16 (hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
+static force_inline void
+unpack_256_2x256 (__m256i data, __m256i* data_lo, __m256i* data_hi)
+ *data_lo = _mm256_unpacklo_epi8 (data, _mm256_setzero_si256 ());
+ *data_hi = _mm256_unpackhi_epi8 (data, _mm256_setzero_si256 ());
+static force_inline void
+save_256_unaligned (__m256i* dst, __m256i data)
+ _mm256_storeu_si256 (dst, data);
+static force_inline void
+save_256_unaligned_masked (int* dst, __m256i mask, __m256i data)
+ _mm256_maskstore_epi32 (dst, mask, data);
+static force_inline int
+is_opaque_256 (__m256i x)
+ __m256i ffs = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8 (x, x);
+ return (_mm256_movemask_epi8
+ (_mm256_cmpeq_epi8 (x, ffs)) & 0x88888888) == 0x88888888;
+static force_inline int
+is_zero_256 (__m256i x)
+ return _mm256_movemask_epi8 (
+ _mm256_cmpeq_epi8 (x, _mm256_setzero_si256 ())) == 0xffffffff;
+static force_inline int
+is_transparent_256 (__m256i x)
+ return (_mm256_movemask_epi8 (
+ _mm256_cmpeq_epi8 (x, _mm256_setzero_si256 ())) & 0x88888888)
+ == 0x88888888;
+static force_inline __m256i
+load_256_unaligned (const __m256i* src)
+ return _mm256_loadu_si256 (src);
+static force_inline __m256i
+combine8 (const __m256i *ps, const __m256i *pm)
+ __m256i ymm_src_lo, ymm_src_hi;
+ __m256i ymm_msk_lo, ymm_msk_hi;
+ __m256i s;
+ if (pm)
+ {
+ ymm_msk_lo = load_256_unaligned (pm);
+ if (is_transparent_256 (ymm_msk_lo))
+ {
+ return _mm256_setzero_si256 ();
+ }
+ }
+ s = load_256_unaligned (ps);
+ if (pm)
+ {
+ unpack_256_2x256 (s, &ymm_src_lo, &ymm_src_hi);
+ unpack_256_2x256 (ymm_msk_lo, &ymm_msk_lo, &ymm_msk_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x256 (ymm_msk_lo, ymm_msk_hi,
+ &ymm_msk_lo, &ymm_msk_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x256 (&ymm_src_lo, &ymm_src_hi,
+ &ymm_msk_lo, &ymm_msk_hi,
+ &ymm_src_lo, &ymm_src_hi);
+ s = pack_2x256_256 (ymm_src_lo, ymm_src_hi);
+ }
+ return s;
+static force_inline __m256i
+expand_alpha_1x256 (__m256i data)
+ return _mm256_shufflehi_epi16 (_mm256_shufflelo_epi16 (data,
+ _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3)),
+ _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3));
+static force_inline void
+expand_alpha_rev_2x256 (__m256i data_lo,
+ __m256i data_hi,
+ __m256i* alpha_lo,
+ __m256i* alpha_hi)
+ __m256i lo, hi;
+ lo = _mm256_shufflelo_epi16 (data_lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
+ hi = _mm256_shufflelo_epi16 (data_hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
+ *alpha_lo = _mm256_shufflehi_epi16 (lo, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
+ *alpha_hi = _mm256_shufflehi_epi16 (hi, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0));
+static force_inline void
+in_over_2x256 (__m256i* src_lo,
+ __m256i* src_hi,
+ __m256i* alpha_lo,
+ __m256i* alpha_hi,
+ __m256i* mask_lo,
+ __m256i* mask_hi,
+ __m256i* dst_lo,
+ __m256i* dst_hi)
+ __m256i s_lo, s_hi;
+ __m256i a_lo, a_hi;
+ pix_multiply_2x256 (src_lo, src_hi, mask_lo, mask_hi, &s_lo, &s_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x256 (alpha_lo, alpha_hi, mask_lo, mask_hi, &a_lo, &a_hi);
+ over_2x256 (&s_lo, &s_hi, &a_lo, &a_hi, dst_lo, dst_hi);
+static force_inline __m256i
+create_mask_2x32_256 (uint32_t mask0,
+ uint32_t mask1)
+ return _mm256_set_epi32 (mask0, mask1, mask0, mask1,
+ mask0, mask1, mask0, mask1);
+static force_inline __m256i
+unpack_32_1x256 (uint32_t data)
+ return _mm256_unpacklo_epi8 (
+ _mm256_broadcastd_epi32 (
+ _mm_cvtsi32_si128 (data)), _mm256_setzero_si256 ());
+static force_inline __m256i
+expand_pixel_32_1x256 (uint32_t data)
+ return _mm256_shuffle_epi32 (unpack_32_1x256 (data),
+ _MM_SHUFFLE (1, 0, 1, 0));
+static force_inline void
+core_combine_over_u_avx2_mask (uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t* ps,
+ const uint32_t* pm,
+ int w)
+ __m256i data_mask, mask;
+ data_mask = _mm256_set1_epi32 (-1);
+ while (w > 0)
+ {
+ if (w < 8)
+ {
+ data_mask = get_partial_256_data_mask (w, 8);
+ }
+ mask = load_256_unaligned_masked ((int *)pm, data_mask);
+ if (!is_zero_256 (mask))
+ {
+ __m256i src, dst;
+ __m256i src_hi, src_lo;
+ __m256i dst_hi, dst_lo;
+ __m256i mask_hi, mask_lo;
+ __m256i alpha_hi, alpha_lo;
+ src = load_256_unaligned_masked ((int *)ps, data_mask);
+ if (is_opaque_256 (_mm256_and_si256 (src, mask)))
+ {
+ save_256_unaligned_masked ((int *)pd, data_mask, src);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst = load_256_unaligned_masked ((int *)pd, data_mask);
+ unpack_256_2x256 (mask, &mask_lo, &mask_hi);
+ unpack_256_2x256 (src, &src_lo, &src_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x256 (mask_lo, mask_hi, &mask_lo, &mask_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x256 (&src_lo, &src_hi,
+ &mask_lo, &mask_hi,
+ &src_lo, &src_hi);
+ unpack_256_2x256 (dst, &dst_lo, &dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x256 (src_lo, src_hi,
+ &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi);
+ over_2x256 (&src_lo, &src_hi, &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi,
+ &dst_lo, &dst_hi);
+ save_256_unaligned_masked ((int *)pd, data_mask,
+ pack_2x256_256 (dst_lo, dst_hi));
+ }
+ }
+ pm += 8;
+ ps += 8;
+ pd += 8;
+ w -= 8;
+ }
+static force_inline void
+core_combine_over_u_avx2_no_mask (uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t* ps,
+ int w)
+ __m256i src, dst;
+ __m256i src_hi, src_lo, dst_hi, dst_lo;
+ __m256i alpha_hi, alpha_lo;
+ __m256i data_mask = _mm256_set1_epi32 (-1);
+ while (w > 0)
+ {
+ if (w < 8) {
+ data_mask = get_partial_256_data_mask (w, 8);
+ }
+ src = load_256_unaligned_masked ((int*)ps, data_mask);
+ if (!is_zero_256 (src))
+ {
+ if (is_opaque_256 (src))
+ {
+ save_256_unaligned_masked ((int*)pd, data_mask, src);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst = load_256_unaligned_masked ((int*)pd, data_mask);
+ unpack_256_2x256 (src, &src_lo, &src_hi);
+ unpack_256_2x256 (dst, &dst_lo, &dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x256 (src_lo, src_hi,
+ &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi);
+ over_2x256 (&src_lo, &src_hi, &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi,
+ &dst_lo, &dst_hi);
+ save_256_unaligned_masked ((int*)pd, data_mask,
+ pack_2x256_256 (dst_lo, dst_hi));
+ }
+ }
+ ps += 8;
+ pd += 8;
+ w -= 8;
+ }
+static force_inline void
+avx2_combine_over_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ if (pm)
+ core_combine_over_u_avx2_mask (pd, ps, pm, w);
+ else
+ core_combine_over_u_avx2_no_mask (pd, ps, w);
+static force_inline void
+avx2_combine_add_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * dst,
+ const uint32_t * src,
+ const uint32_t * mask,
+ int width)
+ uint32_t* pd = dst;
+ const uint32_t* ps = src;
+ const uint32_t* pm = mask;
+ int w = width;
+ __m256i data_mask = _mm256_set1_epi32 (-1);
+ __m256i s;
+ while (w > 0)
+ {
+ if (w < 8) {
+ data_mask = get_partial_256_data_mask (w, 8);
+ }
+ s = combine8 ((__m256i*)ps, (__m256i*)pm);
+ save_256_unaligned_masked ((int*)pd, data_mask,
+ _mm256_adds_epu8 (s,
+ load_256_unaligned_masked ((int*)pd, data_mask)));
+ pd += 8;
+ ps += 8;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 8;
+ w -= 8;
+ }
+static void
+avx2_composite_add_8888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_composite_info_t *info)
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src;
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ dest_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ src = src_line;
+ src_line += src_stride;
+ avx2_combine_add_u (imp, op, dst, src, NULL, width);
+ }
+static void
+avx2_combine_over_reverse_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ __m256i ymm_dst_lo, ymm_dst_hi;
+ __m256i ymm_src_lo, ymm_src_hi;
+ __m256i ymm_alpha_lo, ymm_alpha_hi;
+ __m256i data_mask = _mm256_set1_epi32 (-1);
+ while (w > 0)
+ {
+ if (w < 8) {
+ data_mask = get_partial_256_data_mask (w, 8);
+ }
+ ymm_src_hi = combine8 ((__m256i*)ps, (__m256i*)pm);
+ ymm_dst_hi = load_256_unaligned_masked ((int *) pd, data_mask);
+ unpack_256_2x256 (ymm_src_hi, &ymm_src_lo, &ymm_src_hi);
+ unpack_256_2x256 (ymm_dst_hi, &ymm_dst_lo, &ymm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x256 (ymm_dst_lo, ymm_dst_hi,
+ &ymm_alpha_lo, &ymm_alpha_hi);
+ over_2x256 (&ymm_dst_lo, &ymm_dst_hi,
+ &ymm_alpha_lo, &ymm_alpha_hi,
+ &ymm_src_lo, &ymm_src_hi);
+ save_256_unaligned_masked ((int *)pd, data_mask,
+ pack_2x256_256 (ymm_src_lo, ymm_src_hi));
+ w -= 8;
+ ps += 8;
+ pd += 8;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 8;
+ }
+static void
+avx2_composite_over_reverse_n_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_composite_info_t *info)
+ uint32_t src;
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ __m256i xmm_src;
+ __m256i xmm_dst, xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m256i xmm_dsta_hi, xmm_dsta_lo;
+ __m256i data_mask;
+ __m256i tmp_lo, tmp_hi;
+ int dst_stride;
+ int32_t w;
+ src = _pixman_image_get_solid (imp, src_image, dest_image->bits.format);
+ if (src == 0)
+ return;
+ dest_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ xmm_src = expand_pixel_32_1x256 (src);
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ dst = dst_line;
+ dst_line += dst_stride;
+ w = width;
+ data_mask = _mm256_set1_epi32 (-1);
+ while (w > 0)
+ {
+ if (w < 8) {
+ data_mask = get_partial_256_data_mask (w, 8);
+ }
+ xmm_dst = load_256_unaligned_masked ((int*)dst, data_mask);
+ unpack_256_2x256 (xmm_dst, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x256 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dsta_lo, &xmm_dsta_hi);
+ tmp_lo = xmm_src;
+ tmp_hi = xmm_src;
+ over_2x256 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_dsta_lo, &xmm_dsta_hi,
+ &tmp_lo, &tmp_hi);
+ save_256_unaligned_masked ((int*)dst, data_mask,
+ pack_2x256_256 (tmp_lo, tmp_hi));
+ w -= 8;
+ dst += 8;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+avx2_composite_over_8888_8888 (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_composite_info_t *info)
+ int dst_stride, src_stride;
+ uint32_t *dst_line, *dst;
+ uint32_t *src_line, *src;
+ dest_image, dest_x, dest_y, uint32_t, dst_stride, dst_line, 1);
+ src_image, src_x, src_y, uint32_t, src_stride, src_line, 1);
+ dst = dst_line;
+ src = src_line;
+ while (height--)
+ {
+ avx2_combine_over_u (imp, op, dst, src, NULL, width);
+ dst += dst_stride;
+ src += src_stride;
+ }
+static uint32_t *
+avx2_fetch_x8r8g8b8 (pixman_iter_t *iter, const uint32_t *mask)
+ int w = iter->width;
+ __m256i ff000000 = create_mask_2x32_256 (0xff000000, 0xff000000);
+ __m256i data_mask = _mm256_set1_epi32 (-1);
+ uint32_t *dst = iter->buffer;
+ uint32_t *src = (uint32_t *)iter->bits;
+ iter->bits += iter->stride;
+ while (w > 0)
+ {
+ if (w < 8) {
+ data_mask = get_partial_256_data_mask (w, 8);
+ }
+ save_256_unaligned_masked ((int *)dst, data_mask,
+ _mm256_or_si256 (
+ load_256_unaligned (
+ (__m256i *)src), ff000000));
+ dst += 8;
+ src += 8;
+ w -= 8;
+ }
+ return iter->buffer;
+static void
+avx2_combine_out_reverse_u (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
+ pixman_op_t op,
+ uint32_t * pd,
+ const uint32_t * ps,
+ const uint32_t * pm,
+ int w)
+ __m256i xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi;
+ __m256i xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi;
+ __m256i data_mask = _mm256_set1_epi32 (-1);
+ while (w > 0)
+ {
+ if (w < 8) {
+ data_mask = get_partial_256_data_mask (w, 8);
+ }
+ xmm_src_hi = combine8 ((__m256i*)ps, (__m256i*)pm);
+ xmm_dst_hi = load_256_unaligned_masked ((int*) pd, data_mask);
+ unpack_256_2x256 (xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ unpack_256_2x256 (xmm_dst_hi, &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ expand_alpha_2x256 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ negate_2x256 (xmm_src_lo, xmm_src_hi, &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi);
+ pix_multiply_2x256 (&xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi,
+ &xmm_src_lo, &xmm_src_hi,
+ &xmm_dst_lo, &xmm_dst_hi);
+ save_256_unaligned_masked (
+ (int*)pd, data_mask, pack_2x256_256 (xmm_dst_lo, xmm_dst_hi));
+ ps += 8;
+ pd += 8;
+ if (pm)
+ pm += 8;
+ w -= 8;
+ }
static const pixman_fast_path_t avx2_fast_paths[] =
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, avx2_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, avx2_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, avx2_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, avx2_composite_over_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER_REVERSE, solid, null, a8r8g8b8, avx2_composite_over_reverse_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER_REVERSE, solid, null, a8b8g8r8, avx2_composite_over_reverse_n_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, avx2_composite_add_8888_8888),
+ PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (ADD, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, avx2_composite_add_8888_8888),
-static const pixman_iter_info_t avx2_iters[] =
+#define IMAGE_FLAGS \
+static const pixman_iter_info_t avx2_iters[] =
+ _pixman_iter_init_bits_stride, avx2_fetch_x8r8g8b8, NULL
+ },
{ PIXMAN_null },
@@ -26,6 +654,11 @@ _pixman_implementation_create_avx2 (pixman_implementation_t *fallback)
pixman_implementation_t *imp = _pixman_implementation_create (fallback, avx2_fast_paths);
/* Set up function pointers */
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OVER] = avx2_combine_over_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OVER_REVERSE] = avx2_combine_over_reverse_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_ADD] = avx2_combine_add_u;
+ imp->combine_32[PIXMAN_OP_OUT_REVERSE] = avx2_combine_out_reverse_u;
imp->iter_info = avx2_iters;
return imp;
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