Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at
Sun Oct 22 14:34:28 PDT 2006

* "Alberto Simões" 

| I use pkg-config for some time, but noticed something today that I
| think it wasnt before. Anyway, I am using
|   PKG_CHECK_MODULES([GLIB], [glib-2.0])
| and the output in the configure script is:
|   checking for GLIB...
| It shouldn't be:
|   checking for glib-2.0 ?

Arguably, yes.  The problem with that is when people start embedding
newlines and it quickly looks fairly ugly with:

checking for         gtk+-2.0                                >= 2.6
        pygtk-2.0                               >= 2.6
        pygobject-2.0                   >= 2.6
        gnome-python-2.0                >= 2.10
        gnome-desktop-2.0               >= 2.10...

Yes, it could be collapsed to something like:

checking for gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6 pygtk-2.0 >= 2.6 pygobject-2.0 >= 2.6
gnome-python-2.0 >= 2.10 gnome-desktop-2.0 >= 2.10

but it's not that much more readable.

Suggestions welcome, though.

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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