/usr/local support

Enrico Weigelt weigelt at metux.de
Mon Jun 2 05:10:39 PDT 2008

* Daniel Macks <dmacks at netspace.org> schrieb:

> > Aha. Never seen a .pc file for that.
> > What exactly should such an pc file contain ?
> My share/pkgconfig dir has:
>   gnome-icon-theme.pc     gtk-doc.pc              iso-codes.pc
>   gnome-mime-data-2.0.pc  icon-naming-utils.pc    shared-mime-info.pc
> The important standard fields in them seem to be prefix= and Version:,
> so that others can learn where these things are installed (programs
> need to know where to find those data files) and what version is
> present (for the usual dependency reasons). Some also have specific
> info relevant for each: iso-codes has a domains= variable to declare
> what it supports, icon-naming-utils has a program_path= to indicate
> where a certain utility program is installed.

hmm, good thing :) 
never ever thought about this ;-o

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service - http://www.metux.de/
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