Extensions to .pc files

Brad Hards bradh at frogmouth.net
Tue Jun 16 02:21:40 PDT 2009

On Tuesday 16 June 2009 06:31:38 am Dan Nicholson wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 9:20 PM, Brad Hards<bradh at frogmouth.net> wrote:
> > I considered using the --variable command line option, but it seemed
> > somehow inconsistent to use it for this. Setting variables also uses a
> > different syntax, which isn't ideal:
> > Libs: -lfoo
> > Cflags: -I${includedir}
> > dehydra_script={prefix}/share/libfoo-dehydra-check.js
> > dehydra_insert_after=useless
> Lots of people already use the --variable support, and they are meant
> to be freeform. Is there any reason --variable=dehdrya_script wouldn't
> work? pkg-config should resolve all the variables to expand it.

There is no reason why --variable wouldn't work. As I said in my original 
email, it just seems a bit strange, and a "proper" extension mechanism might 
be nicer.


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