Usual way to create .pc files

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at
Sun Sep 13 14:48:18 PDT 2009

]] Maurí­cio CA 

| * For creating .pc files:
| 1) Generate a .pc file as part of the configure/build/install
| process, with some kind of automatic dependency generation.

This is fairly common, particularly if your dependencies vary with what
options are compiled in.

| 2) Create a .pc file by hand.

If it's just a trivial one without any substitutions, make it by hand.

| * Where to create .pc files:
| 1) As part of a original software tar ball.
| 2) As part of OS/distribution packages.

To the largest extent possible, do it upstream.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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