getting started

Mike Hearn mike at
Tue Oct 26 20:00:48 EEST 2004

Havoc Pennington wrote:
> > Does it make sense to be certified? Wouldn't this just slow us down? 
> > What's the benefit to the typical desktop Linux developer today (ie open 
> > source guy or small commercial enterprise). Windows isn't a certified 
> > standard,  does that hold it back?
> >
> > They aren't rhetorical questions, I really don't know the answer. I'm 
> > not sure what certification gets us apart from making very large, 
> > conservative companies happier.
> The key point of the LSB defining an ABI is to let ISVs know which of
> the zillion things in /usr/lib on a typical Linux system are safe to
> use. Safe means well-maintained, supported, likely to still be working
> in 5 years, etc.

Oh, I just realised I forgot something - by "certified" I assumed George 
  was talking about eg ISO standardisation/certification as they 
are/were aiming for. I understand the value of an LSB defined platform, 
but I'm not sure about the value of getting it stamped by some 
third-party standards body.

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