hey, remember the platform?

Wichmann, Mats D mats.d.wichmann at intel.com
Sat Jul 2 20:03:02 EEST 2005

>You seem to be assuming that fd.o is actually a coherent, defined
>organisation.  Which it isn't.  platform@ is arguably its only defined
>effort, sitewranglers@ aside, and the former is notoriously a 
>trainwreck in terms of coherency and clarity, even by the hazy
>hand-waving-through-all-the-bong-smoke standards of most fd.o groups.
>What the platform really needs is for people to say 'I am <special
>interest group>, and what would really be useful to me is <stuff>.
><some list> is what I would see useful in a platform, and <other stuff>
>is what I would see as counter-productive.  Please feel free to run
>ideas by me.'

So we're quite happy to offer the LSB as such a group... we
always expected to be a consumer of the "platform" and "specs"
and provide feedback on it and so forth, but that effort hadn't
gotten rolling due to other pressures.

Maybe that's an interesting topic for DDC - we've got a BOF on the
calendar for kicking ideas around on what the LSB should/could
be doing, now that we actually have an lsb-desktop group created
(mailing list off http://freestandards.org/mailman/listinfo)

-- mats

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