Scripted plugins (v0.9)

Charlie Brej plymouth at
Sun Jul 12 11:27:10 PDT 2009

I think the scripted plugin is now pretty much complete. I had a go at 
recreating the fade-in and spinfinity plugins using the scripting system as well 
as a couple others. On the whole, it is all rather easy and I haven't yet seen 
any major pitfalls.

The code is living in the "scripted-plugin" branch and there is an example 
plugin and theme, both called (highly imaginatively) "script". The scripts 
themselves are reasonably self explanatory [1]. I will make a short list of 
provided functions soon.

If anyone has a few minutes to take a look then please try it and see if you can 
make some changes to the script without it barfing.


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