plymouth performance

Daniel Drake dsd at
Thu Jun 11 12:29:56 PDT 2009

On Thu, 2009-06-11 at 15:26 -0400, Ray Strode wrote:
> Which splash plugin are you using?  Plymouth does all pixel
> manipulation in software.  There's no gpu acceleration, and we don't
> use mmx or sse or anything like that, so there's no cpu acceleraton
> either.
> A splash plugin that loads a lot of images or does a lot of full
> screen updates will be slower than one that loads a few images and
> just updates small parts of the screen.
> For instance, I would expect fade-throbber to be a lot faster than say two-step.

Thanks for the response! I'm using the spinfinity theme from F11 which
uses the throbgress module.


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