using plymouth for a little more than boot animations

Charlie Brej plymouth at
Thu Jun 25 13:36:37 PDT 2009

On 11/06/09 17:41, Daniel Drake wrote:
> Hi,
> How heavily is plymouth tied into the standard boot process, from both
> the technical and design-level standpoints?
> We're considering using it for OLPCs boot animation but we have some
> extra requirements.
> We have a security system implemented in the initramfs, and one part of
> this is tasked with retreiving an activation lease (which basically is a
> signature which allows the system to boot for a certain number of days).
> It takes a little while to obtain this lease and has a
> (framebuffer-based) GUI on top of it.
> I'll try to explain in more detail:
> All this happens very early in the boot sequence -- before starting the
> boot animation, before starting any init scripts etc.
> The GUI comes up, with an XO icon in the center of the screen. The
> serial number of the laptop is printed immediately below.
> On the next "line" there are 3 icons, greyed out to begin with:
>   1. USB
>   2. SD
>   3. Wireless

Do you have the images that are used for these? I should be able to make 
something that suits you now.

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