Progress and transitions

Ray Strode halfline at
Tue May 26 11:37:50 PDT 2009


> How exactly do I control the progress speed within the initrd? My initrd takes around 20 secs before it does a chroot and starts using the Fedora image. In this time the progress bar makes it most of the way through it's sequence. I tried adding "/usr/share/plymouth/default-boot-duration" to my initrd and adding some entries like so:
>  0.100:RCdiskless1
>  0.130:RCdiskless2
>  0.160:RCdiskless3
>  0.200:RCdiskless4
>  0.222:RCkernelparam
>  0.223:RChostname
>  0.238:RCmountfs
>  0.275:RCswap
>  ..
> and then I added the corresponding "plymouth --update=RCdiskless1" entries to my "init" script but it doesn't seem to make much difference.

You want /var/lib/plymouth/boot-duration not

> Also should the "radeon(hd)" KMS driver not be able to transition seamlessly to the GDM screen?
radeon should be able to, but radeonhd can't as far as I know.

You basically need a driver that supports backing:

 X -nr

Also, make sure you're using a build of GDM that supports the
transition. I think you're using a standard Fedora build though?

The upstream bug for tracking those patches is here:

> It just quits for me before GDM starts. I see there are entries like this for the "charge" theme config:
>  Transition=none
>  TransitionDuration=0.0
> but I don't know exactly what they are for or how to use them
Those are for crossfading between frames of the animation, nothing to
do with the plymouth->gdm transition

> Finally, how does plymouth get called when doing a shutdown or reboot?
We ship this file in /etc/event.d:;a=blob_plain;f=event.d/plymouth-shutdown

Which starts plymouthd in "shutdown" mode


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