custom plymouth theme

Chris Cole clecol at
Tue Jun 29 11:12:03 PDT 2010

On 06/07/2010 04:13 PM, Jerry Casiano wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-06-07 at 08:37 -0400, Chris Cole wrote:
>> ...
>> Can someone send me an example of a Plymouth Theme that works via
>> a script instead of a plugin? The only themes I've seen work properly
>> use plugins.
>> Chris
> I've attached a plymouth theme I created a while ago for Fedora, just in
> case you find it useful.
> :-)
> I also attached the spec file used to build the RPM package, I know
> you're using a Debian based system, but who knows someone else may find
> it useful.

Thanks for the example theme. The first thing I had to do to test this 
out was to fix the path in paw.plymouth to point at /lib/plymouth 
instead of /usr/share/plymouth...with that being done I did:

update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/text.plymouth 
text.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/paw/paw.plymouth 100
update-alternative --config text.plymouth
update-initramfs -u

The exact error message I received when rebooting was:
"could not start boot splash: Success"

which resulted in no splash screen being displayed. My kernel command 
line is:
"ro quiet splash nomodeset vga=792"

Any suggestions???


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