[PATCH 16/20] [space-flares] resume animations on display_normal

Scott James Remnant scott at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 18 14:00:31 PDT 2010

Change the display_normal() function so that rather than being a no-op
if we already saved the state as normal, it restarts any animations and
redraws the views.

The only thing we now do if the state is not previously the same is
hide any prompt.

This allows this to be used to reanimate the plugin on reactivate.
 src/plugins/splash/space-flares/plugin.c |   11 +++++------
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/splash/space-flares/plugin.c b/src/plugins/splash/space-flares/plugin.c
index c13bead..4bfe834 100644
--- a/src/plugins/splash/space-flares/plugin.c
+++ b/src/plugins/splash/space-flares/plugin.c
@@ -1841,12 +1841,11 @@ display_normal (ply_boot_splash_plugin_t *plugin)
   pause_views (plugin);
   if (plugin->state != PLY_BOOT_SPLASH_DISPLAY_NORMAL)
-    {
-      plugin->state = PLY_BOOT_SPLASH_DISPLAY_NORMAL;
-      hide_prompt (plugin);
-      start_animation (plugin);
-      redraw_views (plugin);
-    }
+    hide_prompt (plugin);
+  start_animation (plugin);
+  redraw_views (plugin);
   unpause_views (plugin);

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