Custom keyboard shortcuts

Marc Tarin mt at
Wed Sep 14 06:51:59 PDT 2011

On Sep 14, 2011, at 5:35 AM, Ray Strode wrote:

> (…)
> It's actually not as straight forward as you would think.  Some
> combinations you could get if plymouth supported handling escape
> sequences.  There was a discussion about doing that sort of thing in a
> thread here:
> But I don't think you can get e.g., ctrl-alt-v with standard escape
> sequences.  (totally willing to be corrected by someone if i'm wrong
> though).
> We could set the console keyboard mode with the KDGKBMODE ioctl to get
> reports of individual key presses and releases, then we could track
> modifiers like Alt internally.
> Another option would be to change plymouth to use /dev/input for
> keyboard input instead of going through the tty.  That's something
> that's been talked about on quite a few occasions in the past.
> So not that easy, but  possible given enough typing.
> --Ray

Thanks a lot, I'll look into this and give feedback if I come out with an interesting solution.


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