Using plymouth splash with an Xen enabled kernel

Raymond Wooninck tittiatcoke at
Sun Dec 30 12:17:33 PST 2012

Hi Ray,

On Friday 21 December 2012 14:05:51 Ray Strode wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 4:00 AM, Raymond Wooninck <tittiatcoke at> 
> > More information can be found on the openSUSE bugreport itself.
> > (  Unfortunately I
> > didn't had the time to request the above information earlier, but let's
> > see how fast the user comes back with this.
> Reading through the bug report it almost sounds like cryptsetup is
> getting run directly and not through
>  plymouth ask-for-password --command="crypsetup ...".
> If that's the case, then before the cryptsetup command is issued, a
> plymouth hide-splash command will need to be issued so the terminal is
> released (or it will need to get changed to route through plymouth
> ask-for-password)

I wish that it was that simple, but they also indicated that they do not see 
the nice Plymouth graphical splash as well. And as soon as they replace the 
Xen enabled kernel with a standard kernel on the same system, then everything 

In the meantime additional information (including screenshots with plymouth 
debug information) was put into the bug report itself.

Also be aware that based on the openSUSE configuration Plymouth is configured to 
run on tty7 and not on tty0 as most distro's.




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