Use addition tty instead of details plugin?

Dr. Tilmann Bubeck t.bubeck at
Wed May 9 04:52:39 PDT 2012


I am looking at the details plugin and its role if the user presses 
"Esc" during the boot process. If I get it right, then all boot messages 
are collected in a list (plugin->messages) and resent to the terminal 
whenever "details" gets activated.

If I press ESC, I can indeed see plymouth replay all messages from the 
boot process. Pressing ESC multiple times, will also replay the messages 
multiple times. I do not like this behaviour, because I think its slow 
and not nice to watch.

I wonder, if its possible to drop details and use a second tty for 
plymouth, so that the original tty from the boot messages is still 
available and used by the boot process. I think of something like 
"openvt -c 2 plymouthd" but hardcoded in main.c. On Esc we would simply 
switch between tty1 and tty2 without any need for buffering or reprinting.

If this possible and a good idea or do I oversee something?

Kind regards,

|       | dr. tilmann bubeck               reinform medien- und       |
|       |                                  informationstechnologie AG |
| rein  | fon  : +49 (711) 7 82 76-52      loeffelstr. 40             |
| form  | fax  : +49 (711) 7 82 76-46      70597 stuttgart / germany  |
|    AG | cell.: +49 (172) 8 84 29 72      fon: +49 (711) 75 86 56-10 |
|       | email: t.bubeck at     |
|       +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|       | pflichtangaben nach paragraph 80, AktG:                     |
|       | reinform medien- und informationstechnologie AG, stuttgart  |
|       | handelsregister stuttgart, HRB 23001                        |
|       | vorstand:     dr. tilmann bubeck (vorsitz)                  |
|       | aufsichtsrat: frank stege (vorsitz)                         |

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