Porting plymouth

Ray Strode halfline at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 12:48:48 PST 2013


On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 3:26 PM,  <sbell at tdt.com> wrote:
>> You also don't have the /dev/ttyO2 device node created, so it can't use
>> it.
> Ok, so I can confirm that once I create /dev/ttyO2, I see the text I'm
> sending to plymouth appear on my serial console
>> plymouth forces text output if there's a serial console attached. You
>> have console=ttyO2 on the kernel command line so that's what it's
>> doing.
> Is there a way to override this behavior, so that I can test plymouth
> without sacrificing my (only) debugging interface?

I believe you can use plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles on the kernel
command line.

I added that in this commit:


Though, it's not a feature that's gotten much testing, so may need
fixes for your situation--not sure.  Let me know.


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