custmoization of bootlog screen.
yash cp
yashavanth.hsn at
Wed Jul 2 13:43:30 PDT 2014
I forgot to include the mailing list :(
Best Regards,
On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 9:53 PM, yash cp <yashavanth.hsn at> wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> I wasn't more specific about the requirements that needs to be
> accomplished in my previous mail.
> Need your input in assessing this possibility.
> Our requirements:
> On pressing ESC button or after the system completely comes up, a terminal
> screen( with image and text parts) is to be shown.
> Additionally,
> 1. Terminal should exist till the system goes down.( ie plymouth should
> continue to run till system reboots or halts)
> 2. Terminal should display boot logs and enables user to login.
> 3. User should be able Enter and Execute commands
> 4. Terminal should display the command output.
> As of now, this is possible in bootsplash. I am trying to achieve the same
> using plymouth ( we want to get rid of bootsplash)
> I am unable to draw both image and text at the same time as per your
> suggestions in previous mail.
> Could you please help us with your suggestions.
> Best Regards,
> Yash
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: yash cp <yashavanth.hsn at>
> Date: Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 5:04 PM
> Subject: Re: custmoization of bootlog screen.
> To: Ray Strode <halfline at>
> Hi Ray
>> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 7:25 PM, Ray Strode <halfline at> wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> Sorry for the slow reply, I've been selling my house so have been away
>>> from my computer.
>>> > Could you please provide with the hints on the same.
>>> basically, plymouthd exposes a "ply_keyboard_t" object for managing
>>> keyboard input. That object is passed to the splash plugins via the
>>> set_keyboard vfunc that the splash plugin registers with. Typically a
>>> splash plugin doesn't do much with the keyboard object, since the
>>> stock keybindings are handled by the plymouthd core, and even the
>>> input side of password input is handled by plymouthd directly. That
>>> object has a function
> Done..
>>> ply_keyboard_add_escape_handler() which registers a callback function
>>> that is called when the escape key is pressed. Your splash plugin
>>> will need to call that function, but as I mentioned earlier, main.c
>>> will also need to stop registering for escape itself.
>>> Done..
>> Once those two changes are made, you then just need to draw the
>>> console output along side (well below) your splash. The console
>>> output is sent to you via the on_boot_output vfunc that the splash
>>> plugin initially registers with. You'll want to save that output to a
>>> temporary buffer, and then draw the contents of the buffer from your
>>> on_draw handler at the same time you draw the rest of the splash.
>>> I am unable to achieve this.
> Do I need to use pixel_display ( not sure if I can display the text). ?
> Do I need to use text display ( not sure if I can display image) ?
> I tried using both, but only the pixel display contents are show.
> I can see the bootlog messages getting added to the buffer in the
> on_boot handler.
> basically, how to draw the console output along side (well below) splash.
> Could you please elaborate on how to achieve this.
> Best Regards,
> yash
> Make sense?
>>> --Ray
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