Problem with SetBootProgressFunction and a progress bar in plymouth 0.8.8

David Shaw dshaw at
Thu Nov 20 14:40:04 PST 2014


I'm trying to draw a simple progress bar in a script, and I'm having a problem.  Basically, my progress bar gets to around 1/3 of the way and then slows to a crawl.   Eventually the boot completes without the progress bar coming close to finishing.

I made a simple script to demonstrate this:

bootprogress.image = Image.Text("Progress", 0, 0, 0);

fun progress_callback (duration, progress)
    bootprogress.image = Image.Text("Boot Duration: " + duration + "\nBoot Progress: " + progress, 1, 0.5, 0.5);
    bootprogress.sprite = Sprite(bootprogress.image);


When I boot with this script, the progress value from the progress_callback never gets much past 0.30.  I can say that non-script plugins like throbgress seem to be working fine (in that the progress bar goes all the way to the end).

Any suggestions on where to look next?


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