Generic function for StringToInteger()

LAHAYE Olivier olivier.lahaye at
Tue May 16 17:22:06 UTC 2017

Sometimes, it's usefull to convert a string to an integer (received by status message for example).
Unfortunately, Plymouth script module doesn't implement this into its String API.
Thus a function must be created in order to convert strings into numbers.

// This functions takes a string containing an integer as input. It returns the integer read or "#NaN" or "#Overflow"
// Author: Olivier LAHAYE
// Licence: GPL
// Input: string to convert.
// Output: numerical value or "#NaN" or "#Overflow"
// Examples:
// "" => 0
// " " => "#NaN"
// "_" => "#NaN"
// "000965" => 965
// "1.0" => "#NaN"
// "foo" => "#NaN"
fun StringToInteger(str_val) {
    ref = "0123456789";
    overflow_limit = 20; // Max 20 digits
    // load the number string
    number_length = 0;
    number_string = String( str_val );
    while (char[number_length] = number_string.CharAt(number_length)) {
        digit[number_length] = 0;
        if (number_length > overflow_limit) return ("#Overflow");
    while ( index < 10 ) { // For each base 10 digit
        for(c=0; c<number_length; c++) { // for each number_string digit
            if ( char[c] == ref.CharAt(index) ) {
                digit[c] = index; // Found digit #c
            // Check if all digits have been found.
            if (found == number_length)
                index = 10; // Leave early the loop.
    if (found < number_length) return ( "#NaN" ); // This is not a number
    return_val = 0;
    factor = 1;
    while (number_length > 0) {
        return_val += ( digit[number_length] * factor );
        factor *= 10;
    return( return_val );
// End StringToInteger()

Have Fun.
  Olivier LAHAYE

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