[Pm-utils] [Patch] uswsusp support

Tim Dijkstra newsuser at famdijkstra.org
Mon Mar 12 13:57:27 PDT 2007

On Mon, 12 Mar 2007 15:34:09 +0100
Stefan Seyfried <seife at suse.de> wrote:

> The reason why i did the S2DISK_BIN at all was that you can configure it to
> use s2both instead of s2disk.
> Since s2both needs similar preparation (select grub entry, check for swap,
> check the config file, etc.) as s2disk, it does not really make sense to
> replace s2ram with s2both, you can only replace s2disk with s2both.

I don't agree. If I shutdown my laptop to put it in my backpack, I
want it to be in the lowest power state possible. So s2both can't be
used here. 

If I close the lid to walk to somebodies office in the other building,
I wan't it to resume quickly. But if I, for whatever, reason end up in
the pub instead, I still want to be able to resume afterwards;) 

> If we get HAL to recognise that there is more than just "suspend" and
> "hibernate", but also s2both, then we will probably just have a third
> "suspend mode" added to pm-utils and won't need to have this configurable
> at all.

I think this too, so this discussion will be a bit moot in the future. But I
think I'll add this option anyway so I can use my laptop the way I want it;)

grts Tim

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