[Pm-utils] wiki acl

Till Maas opensource at till.name
Sun Apr 27 19:17:14 PDT 2008


currently http://pm-utils.freedesktop.org points to the wiki instead of the 
static html file. I am not sure, whether this was different in the past. I 
only know that now the wiki forward is done 
in /etc/apache2/sites-available/pm-utils.freedesktop.org and not with a 
index.php file. Therefore it is not that easy for us to change this. I now 
implemented an acl on the wiki (I hope I did it correctly) to at least 
stopping to get more spam there. To edit pages in the wiki, one now needs to 
be in the EditGroup (http://pm-utils.freedesktop.org/wiki/EditGroup). Only 
the page http://pm-utils.freedesktop.org/wiki/FrontPage/Comments can be 
edited by any logged in user, to make it easy for users to suggest changes or 
request EditGroup membership.

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