[Pm-utils] [PATCH 3/6] Split out hooks that should be aux hooks.

Victor Lowther victor.lowther at gmail.com
Sun May 11 18:43:54 PDT 2008

This includes bluetooth handling, the ntpd part of clock handling,
and network-manager handling.  More to come later.

Also updates the documentation.
 pm/HOWTO.hooks                                   |   21 +++++++--
 pm/sleep.d/90clock                               |   54 +++++----------------
 pm/sleep.d/{49bluetooth => bluetooth}            |    0 
 pm/sleep.d/{10NetworkManager => network-manager} |    0 
 pm/sleep.d/ntpd                                  |   31 ++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pm/HOWTO.hooks b/pm/HOWTO.hooks
index 7beb1f2..ddf4044 100644
--- a/pm/HOWTO.hooks
+++ b/pm/HOWTO.hooks
@@ -28,13 +28,26 @@ false -- The hook MUST perform whatever action is appropriate when the system
-All hooks are run in lexical sort order according to the C locale.
+Hooks are always run in one of two phases, either the core phase or
+the aux phase.  The pm-utils infrastructure classifies hooks into
+these two phases based on how the hooks are named.
+A hook will be classified as a core hook if the first two characters
+of its base filename are any of the digits 0 through 9.  Any other
+hook will be classified as an aux hook.
+When running hooks forwards, all aux hooks will run first in no
+specified order, and when they are all finished the core hooks will
+run in C locale lexical sort order.
+When running hooks backwards, all core hooks are run in reverse C
+lexical sort order, then all aux hooks will run in no specified order.
-For any given sleep/wakeup cycle, the hooks in sleep.d are run twice:
-* Once in C lexical sort order before the system goes to sleep, and
-* Once in reverse C lexical sort order when the system wakes up.
+For any given sleep/wakeup cycle, the hooks in sleep.d are run in
+normal order before the system goes to sleep, and once in reverse
+order when the system wakes up.
diff --git a/pm/sleep.d/90clock b/pm/sleep.d/90clock
dissimilarity index 80%
index 985b266..e3115bd 100755
--- a/pm/sleep.d/90clock
+++ b/pm/sleep.d/90clock
@@ -1,41 +1,13 @@
-# Synchronize system time with hardware time.
-# TODO: Split NTP handling to its own hook. Having it here is ugly and silly.
-#       Do modern kernels handle this correctly?  If so, we should detect that
-#       and skip this hook.
-	if try_lock "${NTPD_LOCK}"; then
-		trap 'release_lock "${NTPD_LOCK}"' 0
-		stopservice ntpd
-	fi
-	/sbin/hwclock --systohc >/dev/null 2>&1 0<&1
-	/sbin/hwclock --hctosys >/dev/null 2>&1 0<&1
-	rc=$?
-	# Bring back ntpd _after_ NetworkManager and such come back...
-	( 	spin_lock "${NTPD_LOCK}";
-		trap 'release_lock "${NTPD_LOCK}"' 0
-		sleep 20; 
-		restartservice ntpd; ) &
-	return $rc
-case "$1" in
-	hibernate|suspend)
-		suspend_clock
-		;;
-	thaw|resume)
-		resume_clock
-		;;
-	*) exit $NA
-		;;
+# Synchronize system time with hardware time.
+# TODO: Do modern kernels handle this correctly?  If so, we should detect that
+#       and skip this hook.
+case "$1" in
+	hibernate|suspend) /sbin/hwclock --systohc >/dev/null 2>&1 0<&1 ;;
+	thaw|resume) /sbin/hwclock --hctosys >/dev/null 2>&1 0<&1 ;;
+	*) exit $NA
+		;;
diff --git a/pm/sleep.d/49bluetooth b/pm/sleep.d/bluetooth
similarity index 100%
rename from pm/sleep.d/49bluetooth
rename to pm/sleep.d/bluetooth
diff --git a/pm/sleep.d/10NetworkManager b/pm/sleep.d/network-manager
similarity index 100%
rename from pm/sleep.d/10NetworkManager
rename to pm/sleep.d/network-manager
diff --git a/pm/sleep.d/ntpd b/pm/sleep.d/ntpd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05464e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pm/sleep.d/ntpd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+	if try_lock "${NTPD_LOCK}"; then
+		trap 'release_lock "${NTPD_LOCK}"' 0
+		stopservice ntpd
+	fi
+	rc=$?
+	# Bring back ntpd _after_ NetworkManager and such come back...
+	spin_lock "${NTPD_LOCK}";
+	trap 'release_lock "${NTPD_LOCK}"' 0
+	sleep 20; 
+	restartservice ntpd;
+case "$1" in
+	hibernate|suspend)
+		suspend_clock
+		;;
+	thaw|resume)
+		resume_clock
+		;;
+	*) exit $NA
+		;;

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