[Pm-utils] [PATCH 6/6] Fix running non-core hooks in parallel.

Victor Lowther victor.lowther at gmail.com
Sun May 11 18:44:05 PDT 2008

We need to wait for all the hooks to finish running, so explicitly
create a subshell to actually run the hooks in instead of relying
on the while read loop to implicitly create one.
 pm/pm-functions.in |   38 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pm/pm-functions.in b/pm/pm-functions.in
index b101f97..f82d85c 100644
--- a/pm/pm-functions.in
+++ b/pm/pm-functions.in
@@ -183,27 +183,29 @@ run_some_hooks()
 	local hook_coa="$2"
 	local hook_order="$3"
 	shift; shift; shift
-	get_${hook_coa}_hooks $hook_type $hook_order |while read base; do
-	    if [ -f "$syshooks/$base" ]; then
-		hook="$syshooks/$base"
-	    elif [ -f "$phooks/$base" ]; then
-		hook="$phooks/$base"
-	    else
-		log "$base is not a hook at all!"
-		continue
-	    fi
-	    log -n "${hook} $@: "
-	    hook_ok "$hook" && {
-		if [ "$hook_coa" = "core" ]; then
-		    "${hook}" "$@"
-		    hook_exit_status $?
+	get_${hook_coa}_hooks $hook_type $hook_order | (
+	    while read base; do
+		if [ -f "$syshooks/$base" ]; then
+		    hook="$syshooks/$base"
+		elif [ -f "$phooks/$base" ]; then
+		    hook="$phooks/$base"
-		    "${hook}" "$@" &
-		    echo "running in background."
+		    log "$base is not a hook at all!"
+		    continue
-	    }
-	done
+		log -n "${hook} $@: "
+		hook_ok "$hook" && {
+		    if [ "$hook_coa" = "core" ]; then
+			"${hook}" "$@"
+			hook_exit_status $?
+		    else
+			"${hook}" "$@" &
+			echo "running in background."
+		    fi
+		}
+	    done
 	[ "$hook_coa" = "core" ] || wait
+	)
 # Run all applicable hooks, logging success and failure as we go.

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