PolicyKit license

David Zeuthen david at fubar.dk
Tue May 26 09:08:35 PDT 2009

On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 13:40 +0900, Jooncheol Park wrote:
> Hi, all
> I saw http://cgit.freedesktop.org/PolicyKit/tree/COPYING
> but, I know PolicyKit license was MIT/X11 until 0.9
> Does PolicyKit going to change the license from MIT to LGPLv2 ?

Yes, the new version of PolicyKit is a complete rewrite and the software
architecture is very different from that of PolicyKit 0.9.x.

Anyway, since you can do everything you need (as an user of PolicyKit)
through the D-Bus interfaces or supplied command-line tools, the LGPLv2
license should not be a concern since process boundaries are involved.
And, just FWIW, I  don't consider someone using the PolicyKit D-Bus
interfaces to be a derived work of the PolicyKit daemon.

If you are writing extensions to the PolicyKit daemon (such as a backend
or information provider) then these extensions will need to be LGPLv2
since they arguably are derived works of the code in the PolicyKit

Hope this clarifies.


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