Getting localized action message and descriptions

Gökçen Eraslan gokcen at
Mon Jan 24 08:52:37 PST 2011


In a program we wrote, we use polkit_action_description_get_description and 
polkit_action_description_get_message functions of polkit to display 
information about actions. But we always see action messages and description 
in English even if actions have translations in other languages. (We also use 
setlocale to set the locale according to the environmetn variables.)

As far as I can see, the only thing about localization in the API is the 
locale parameter of polkit_authority_register_authentication_agent function. 
But since the application we write is not actually an agent, I think this is 
not suitable for us. 

Is there any way to get localized action message and descriptions for 
applications those are not agents?

Gökçen Eraslan
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