Daemonized process and USB pen drive mount permission denied

Pedro Algarvio pedro.m.algarvio at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 05:55:22 PDT 2011

Hello ppl.

I'm coding an application which "listens", using DBus, for USB pen
drives being attached to the computer running my application, it is
responsible for mounting and un-mounting those pen drives.

My application has a GUI which stays running on the computer's desktop
while the computer is on. That's the only function that computer will serve.

All had been working well until I told my application do become a daemon

While daemonized, my application behaves as supposed except for the part
that it no longer has permission to mount the USB pen drives, DBus tells
the app that it does not have permission.

What am I doing wrong?
What do I need to change to allow a daemonized process to be able to
mount USB pen drives, is it related to DBus itself, is it related to

I'm lost here, DBus simply reports, permission denied.

Thanks in advance,
Pedro Algarvio
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