PolkitAgentTextListener from a Python script

Stuart Longland stuartl at vrt.com.au
Wed Aug 27 18:20:02 PDT 2014

Hi all,

I'm in the process of writing a Django (Python) module for configuring
NetworkManager, this is aimed at small headless appliances that provide
a web UI for various configuration tasks.

I've managed to write a suitable wrapper around NetworkManager, and so
far it works, if I run the Django test server instance in a shell
session, I can configure network connections.  Things are a little
clunky, but it's workable.

Except, when I try and run the module within Apache under mod_wsgi,
accessing privileged commands yields the response:

org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.PermissionDenied: No session
found for uid 33 (unknown)

Now as I understand it, NetworkManager checks with PolKit to see if I
have a valid session.  It works when I run my program in a shell session
since it piggy backs off my desktop, but Apache does not have such a
luxury.  Hence the error.

I can configure Apache to run as root, but that's distasteful in many
ways even on an appliance.

My research into this has suggested I need to make use of the

How do I access this object via DBus?
Stuart Longland
Systems Engineer
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