Polkit on Duktape

Jasper St. Pierre jstpierre at mecheye.net
Thu Aug 13 12:31:19 PDT 2015

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Simon McVittie
<simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk> wrote:
> On 13/08/15 17:37, Jasper St. Pierre wrote:
>> (just drop two new files in there, similar to pcre in glib)
> Similar to the same PCRE in GLib that has been modified locally,

oof, didn't know that one. No, we're not modifying duktape.

> hasn't
> been updated to a new upstream version since 2012, caused test failures
> when updated (until recently),

Well, if updating to a newer version causes test issues, how would
unbundling libraries fix that?

> hasn't been used in Debian and its
> derivatives since 2007,

Why not?

> and is potentially going to be removed from GLib
> by the GRegex maintainer?

I wasn't aware of that, either. It's not like we have any open-source,
general-purpose regex engines, though. Unless you count POSIX regex as
usable, which I don't think many people do.

> I hope you can understand why I don't consider that to be a shining
> example of how good bundled libraries are :-)

Perhaps not, but since Duktape is two files, has a stable API (outside
of a 2.x release, coming at some point, with promises that 1.x will be
maintained), I don't see it as being that much of a burden.

But, as mentioned, if other distributions want to package Duktape, I
am fine with that too. I just chose the easier, recommended approach.

Unfortunately, there are some technical complications to packaging
Duktape, since it requires being compiled in a specific way (with
specific defines) to use their built-in watchdog timer, but those can
be worked around, I'd imagine.

> --
> Simon McVittie
> Collabora Ltd. <http://www.collabora.com/>
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