Lxpolkit: writing to other drives (usb drives, ...)

Alec Ari alec at onelabs.com
Tue Jan 29 22:49:04 UTC 2019

Hello Brian,

This is probably an issue with USE flags in your /etc/portage/make.conf 
file. For your application, make sure that in the live CD that you have 
anything related to udisks, automount, fuse, gvfs, policykit, udev etc. 
enabled. Being asked for a password when shutting down and your Wicd 
problem is most likely tied to the live CD being built too minimally. 
Make sure the live CD also uses a DM not just a WM sitting on top of X. 
KDM, GDM or LightDM with auto-login (make sure all those USE flags are 
on) is a much better way to start the desktop environment than using 
`startx` or similar for a live system. You shouldn't have to do write a 
policy to mount a drive or shutdown the system. I don't use automount 
and bloated USE flags personally for security reasons, but doing all 
this should solve your problem. I don't remember all the USE flags 
off-hand but when you run `emerge -av lightdm lxde-meta` should give you 
a good idea as to what to turn on.

Hope this helps!


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