polkit rules are no longer working

Piotr Łobacz piotr.lobacz at vm.pl
Tue Jun 7 10:06:53 UTC 2022

Hi all,
I am facing an issue with polkit rules for pkexec. Currently when i try to run an application with pkexec command I'm facing an error:

Jun 07 09:46:06 eg pkexec[59699]: test: Error executing command as another user: Not authorized [USER=root] [TTY=/dev/pts/0] [CWD=/home/root] [COMMAND=/usr/sbin/nft]

the rule for this to be run, looks like this:

polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
    user_app = [
    if (action.id == "org.freedesktop.policykit.exec" && subject.user == "tes" && user_app.includes(action.lookup("program"))) {
        return polkit.Result.YES;

and is stored in /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/30-sbin-test.rules. This was all working before, with polkit 0.116, but now we have switched to newer yocto 4.0 and there is polkit 0.119, with which it stopped working for us. Does something has changed in the polkitd service and I'm missing it?


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