[Poppler-bugs] [Bug 12504] [evince] cairo context error: NULL pointer

bugzilla-daemon at freedesktop.org bugzilla-daemon at freedesktop.org
Tue Oct 2 14:08:59 PDT 2007


------- Comment #2 from pterjan at gmail.com  2007-10-02 14:10 PST -------
#0  _cairo_set_error (cr=0x851d520, status=CAIRO_STATUS_NULL_POINTER) at
No locals.
#1  0xb755aa9d in CairoOutputDev::drawImageMask (this=0x853a2f0,
state=0x8538aa8, ref=0x0, str=0x81550a0, width=16, height=16, invert=1, 
    inlineImg=1) at CairoOutputDev.cc:686
        matrix = {xx = 0, yx = 0, xy = 1.350196105240399e-268, yy =
-3.7589387670182106e-43, x0 = 6.8962046478836532e-316, 
  y0 = 5.3205314387727897e-315}
#2  0xb755ad04 in CairoImageOutputDev::drawImageMask (this=0x853a2f0,
state=0x8538aa8, ref=0x0, str=0x81550a0, width=16, height=16, invert=1, 
    inlineImg=1) at CairoOutputDev.cc:1391
        cr = (cairo_t *) 0x851d520
        surface = (cairo_surface_t *) 0x851cf50
        image = <value optimized out>
#3  0xb7423bf0 in Gfx::doImage (this=0x83f96a0, ref=0x0, str=0x81550a0,
inlineImg=1) at Gfx.cc:3503
        dict = <value optimized out>
        maskDict = <value optimized out>
        width = 16
        height = 16
        bits = 1
        maskBits = <value optimized out>
        csMode = streamCSNone
        mask = -1234755788
        invert = <value optimized out>
        colorSpace = <value optimized out>
        maskColorSpace = <value optimized out>
        colorMap = <value optimized out>
        maskColorMap = <value optimized out>
        maskObj = {type = objNone, {booln = 1084023203, intg = 1084023203, real
= 1.5389549160653998e-313, string = 0x409ce1a3, 
    name = 0x409ce1a3 <Address 0x409ce1a3 out of bounds>, array = 0x409ce1a3,
dict = 0x409ce1a3, stream = 0x409ce1a3, ref = {
      num = 1084023203, gen = 7}, cmd = 0x409ce1a3 <Address 0x409ce1a3 out of
        smaskObj = {type = objNone, {booln = 139698928, intg = 139698928, real
= 2.765496572363419e-313, string = 0x853a2f0, 
    name = 0x853a2f0 "È8V·(ŠS\bÓwÅþ\005Ÿ\202@\r\220n\004Ñé\202@",
array = 0x853a2f0, dict = 0x853a2f0, stream = 0x853a2f0, ref = {
      num = 139698928, gen = 13}, cmd = 0x853a2f0
        maskColors = {-1227452428, -1227448032, 138572528, -1234755976,
-1228308464, -1227448032, 138572528, 138385168, -1, 0, 138572520, 1, 
  6, 0, -1219323620, 135614624, -1234755840, -1234755756, -1219881185,
138572528, 13, -1219323620, -1220122968, 138572528, 138755792, 
  -1234755864, -1219323620, -1219323620, 135614624, 139523360, -1220062344,
-1234755864, 138572528, 139523360, -1234755864, -1227452428, 0, 
  -1227448032, -1234755864, -1228314697, -1234755864, -1234755840, 13,
139523360, -1219674917, 13, 139471704, 1084023203, 13, 139523360, 
  -1220066966, 13, 138572528, 1084023203, -1219323620, 139657936, 139523360,
-1234755756, -1220404511, 139523360, -1234755744, -1234755744, 
  0, 0}
        maskWidth = <value optimized out>
        maskHeight = <value optimized out>
        maskInvert = <value optimized out>
        maskStr = <value optimized out>
        obj1 = {type = objNone, {booln = 139506480, intg = 139506480, real =
1848.4092114076011, string = 0x850b330, 
    name = 0x850b330 "Ð>E\bà¿\024\b\b", array = 0x850b330, dict = 0x850b330,
stream = 0x850b330, ref = {num = 139506480, gen = 1084023203}, 
    cmd = 0x850b330 "Ð>E\bà¿\024\b\b"}}
        obj2 = {type = objNone, {booln = 1, intg = 1, real =
3.3951932655938423e-313, string = 0x1, name = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>, 
    array = 0x1, dict = 0x1, stream = 0x1, ref = {num = 1, gen = 16}, cmd = 0x1
<Address 0x1 out of bounds>}}
        i = <value optimized out>
#4  0xb7424830 in Gfx::opBeginImage (this=0x83f96a0, args=0xb6672034,
numArgs=0) at Gfx.cc:3921
        str = (Stream *) 0x81550a0
        c1 = <value optimized out>
        c2 = <value optimized out>
#5  0xb742271a in Gfx::execOp (this=0x83f96a0, cmd=0xb66721c0, args=0xb6672034,
numArgs=0) at Gfx.cc:726
        op = (Operator *) 0xb7539384
        name = 0x8432e40 "BI"
        argPtr = (Object *) 0xb6672034
        i = 0
#6  0xb742290c in Gfx::go (this=0x83f96a0, topLevel=1) at Gfx.cc:594
        obj = {type = objCmd, {booln = 138620480, intg = 138620480, real =
1848.409211206148, string = 0x8432e40, name = 0x8432e40 "BI", 
    array = 0x8432e40, dict = 0x8432e40, stream = 0x8432e40, ref = {num =
138620480, gen = 1084023203}, cmd = 0x8432e40 "BI"}}
        args = {{type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, real = 1816.4091796875,
string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, 
      stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, gen = 1083990435}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type =
objNone, {booln = 32, intg = 32, real = 1816.4091796875073, 
      string = 0x20, name = 0x20 <Address 0x20 out of bounds>, array = 0x20,
dict = 0x20, stream = 0x20, ref = {num = 32, gen = 1083990435}, 
      cmd = 0x20 <Address 0x20 out of bounds>}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 32,
intg = 32, real = 1816.4091796875073, string = 0x20, 
      name = 0x20 <Address 0x20 out of bounds>, array = 0x20, dict = 0x20,
stream = 0x20, ref = {num = 32, gen = 1083990435}, 
      cmd = 0x20 <Address 0x20 out of bounds>}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0,
intg = 0, real = 1816.4091796875, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
      array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, gen = 1083990435},
cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, 
      real = 3477.5, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream
= 0x0, ref = {num = 0, gen = 1084959488}, cmd = 0x0}}, {
    type = objNone, {booln = -687194767, intg = -687194767, real =
1848.4100000000001, string = 0xd70a3d71, 
      name = 0xd70a3d71 <Address 0xd70a3d71 out of bounds>, array = 0xd70a3d71,
dict = 0xd70a3d71, stream = 0xd70a3d71, ref = {
        num = -687194767, gen = 1084023203}, cmd = 0xd70a3d71 <Address
0xd70a3d71 out of bounds>}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 3, intg = 3, 
      real = -3.3358676278349967e-42, string = 0x3, name = 0x3 <Address 0x3 out
of bounds>, array = 0x3, dict = 0x3, stream = 0x3, ref = {
        num = 3, gen = -1219323620}, cmd = 0x3 <Address 0x3 out of bounds>}},
{type = objNone, {booln = -1220090704, intg = -1220090704, 
      real = 1.4938075492562451e-268, string = 0xb746e4b0, name = 0xb746e4b0
"\203øÿuË\213O\004\213\226\034\200", array = 0xb746e4b0, 
      dict = 0xb746e4b0, stream = 0xb746e4b0, ref = {num = -1220090704, gen =
      cmd = 0xb746e4b0 "\203øÿuË\213O\004\213\226\034\200"}}, {type =
objNone, {booln = 7, intg = 7, real = 1.5464386805216672e-268, 
      string = 0x7, name = 0x7 <Address 0x7 out of bounds>, array = 0x7, dict =
0x7, stream = 0x7, ref = {num = 7, gen = 139750564}, 
      cmd = 0x7 <Address 0x7 out of bounds>}}, {type = objNone, {booln =
139471468, intg = 139471468, real = 1.4394233294643135e-268, 
      string = 0x8502a6c, name = 0x8502a6c "\b", array = 0x8502a6c, dict =
0x8502a6c, stream = 0x8502a6c, ref = {num = 139471468, 
        gen = 139657936}, cmd = 0x8502a6c "\b"}}, {type = objNone, {booln =
139657936, intg = 139657936, real = 1.478787542490131e-268, 
      string = 0x85302d0, name = 0x85302d0 "h\211R·\003", array = 0x85302d0,
dict = 0x85302d0, stream = 0x85302d0, ref = {num = 139657936, 
        gen = 139692008}, cmd = 0x85302d0 "h\211R·\003"}}, {type = objNone,
{booln = 139781440, intg = 139781440, 
      real = 1.4394233295476944e-268, string = 0x854e540, name = 0x854e540
"\005", array = 0x854e540, dict = 0x854e540, stream = 0x854e540, 
      ref = {num = 139781440, gen = 139657936}, cmd = 0x854e540 "\005"}}, {type
= objNone, {booln = 139657936, intg = 139657936, 
      real = -3.3358677168301661e-42, string = 0x85302d0, name = 0x85302d0
"h\211R·\003", array = 0x85302d0, dict = 0x85302d0, 
      stream = 0x85302d0, ref = {num = 139657936, gen = -1219323620}, cmd =
0x85302d0 "h\211R·\003"}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 139471468, 
      intg = 139471468, real = 2.1909038518791191e-314, string = 0x8502a6c,
name = 0x8502a6c "\b", array = 0x8502a6c, dict = 0x8502a6c, 
      stream = 0x8502a6c, ref = {num = 139471468, gen = 1}, cmd = 0x8502a6c
"\b"}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 139657936, intg = 139657936, 
      real = -3.3358677168301661e-42, string = 0x85302d0, name = 0x85302d0
"h\211R·\003", array = 0x85302d0, dict = 0x85302d0, 
      stream = 0x85302d0, ref = {num = 139657936, gen = -1219323620}, cmd =
0x85302d0 "h\211R·\003"}}, {type = objNone, {booln = -1220144477, 
      intg = -1220144477, real = 1.4394241190589265e-268, string = 0xb74612a3, 
      name = 0xb74612a3
      array = 0xb74612a3, dict = 0xb74612a3, stream = 0xb74612a3, ref = {num =
-1220144477, gen = 139657936}, 
      cmd = 0xb74612a3
\211\\$\024èÓ\205ùÿ\201Ã\b\206\f"}}, {
    type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, real = -3.3358676278349948e-42,
string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
      ref = {num = 0, gen = -1219323620}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln
= -1219658356, intg = -1219658356, 
      real = 1.2239792249744756e-268, string = 0xb74d7d8c, name = 0xb74d7d8c
"Badly formatted number", array = 0xb74d7d8c, dict = 0xb74d7d8c, 
      stream = 0xb74d7d8c, ref = {num = -1219658356, gen = 139471456}, cmd =
0xb74d7d8c "Badly formatted number"}}, {type = objNone, {
      booln = 139471456, intg = 139471456, real = 2.1909038459503313e-314,
string = 0x8502a60, name = 0x8502a60 "ýÿÿÿÀŠB\b", 
      array = 0x8502a60, dict = 0x8502a60, stream = 0x8502a60, ref = {num =
139471456, gen = 1}, cmd = 0x8502a60 "ýÿÿÿÀŠB\b"}}, {
    type = objNone, {booln = -1219323620, intg = -1219323620, real =
5.7635614610910303e-314, string = 0xb752991c, 
      name = 0xb752991c "he\027", array = 0xb752991c, dict = 0xb752991c, stream
= 0xb752991c, ref = {num = -1219323620, gen = 2}, 
      cmd = 0xb752991c "he\027"}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 2, intg = 2, real
= -1.9842851529720149e-42, string = 0x2, 
      name = 0x2 <Address 0x2 out of bounds>, array = 0x2, dict = 0x2, stream =
0x2, ref = {num = 2, gen = -1220141022}, 
      cmd = 0x2 <Address 0x2 out of bounds>}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0,
intg = 0, real = -1.2682936740564991e-46, string = 0x0, 
      name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, gen =
-1234752624}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {
      booln = 139705008, intg = 139705008, real = 1.2240107843951351e-268,
string = 0x853bab0, name = 0x853bab0 "š\214R·\001", 
      array = 0x853bab0, dict = 0x853bab0, stream = 0x853bab0, ref = {num =
139705008, gen = 139471484}, cmd = 0x853bab0 "š\214R·\001"}}, {
    type = objNone, {booln = -1220074030, intg = -1220074030, real =
1.4938491409391502e-268, string = 0xb74725d2, 
      name = 0xb74725d2 "\215\004\a;\206$\001", array = 0xb74725d2, dict =
0xb74725d2, stream = 0xb74725d2, ref = {num = -1220074030, 
        gen = 139705044}, cmd = 0xb74725d2 "\215\004\a;\206$\001"}}, {type =
objNone, {booln = 256, intg = 256, 
      real = 8.0378229195310914e-269, string = 0x100, name = 0x100 <Address
0x100 out of bounds>, array = 0x100, dict = 0x100, 
      stream = 0x100, ref = {num = 256, gen = 138754896}, cmd = 0x100 <Address
0x100 out of bounds>}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 1069463633, 
      intg = 1069463633, real = -3.5982245292328333e+91, string = 0x3fbeb851,
name = 0x3fbeb851 <Address 0x3fbeb851 out of bounds>, 
      array = 0x3fbeb851, dict = 0x3fbeb851, stream = 0x3fbeb851, ref = {num =
1069463633, gen = -755914243}, 
      cmd = 0x3fbeb851 <Address 0x3fbeb851 out of bounds>}}, {type = objNone,
{booln = 139705008, intg = 139705008, 
      real = -3.3358677168601621e-42, string = 0x853bab0, name = 0x853bab0
"š\214R·\001", array = 0x853bab0, dict = 0x853bab0, 
      stream = 0x853bab0, ref = {num = 139705008, gen = -1219323620}, cmd =
0x853bab0 "š\214R·\001"}}, {type = objNone, {booln = -1220079729, 
      intg = -1220079729, real = -1.5808277661987181e-44, string = 0xb7470f8f, 
      name = 0xb7470f8f
u\fÇ\2064\205", array = 0xb7470f8f, 
      dict = 0xb7470f8f, stream = 0xb7470f8f, ref = {num = -1220079729, gen =
      cmd = 0xb7470f8f
u\fÇ\2064\205"}}, {type = objNone, {
      booln = -1227448032, intg = -1227448032, real = -1.2661761045618525e-46,
string = 0xb6d6a120, name = 0xb6d6a120 "", array = 0xb6d6a120, 
      dict = 0xb6d6a120, stream = 0xb6d6a120, ref = {num = -1227448032, gen =
-1234755160}, cmd = 0xb6d6a120 ""}}, {type = objNone, {
      booln = -1227448032, intg = -1227448032, real = 8.6395387524909518e-313,
string = 0xb6d6a120, name = 0xb6d6a120 "", array = 0xb6d6a120, 
      dict = 0xb6d6a120, stream = 0xb6d6a120, ref = {num = -1227448032, gen =
40}, cmd = 0xb6d6a120 ""}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 40, 
      intg = 40, real = 2.1219958107278981e-314, string = 0x28, name = 0x28
<Address 0x28 out of bounds>, array = 0x28, dict = 0x28, 
      stream = 0x28, ref = {num = 40, gen = 1}, cmd = 0x28 <Address 0x28 out of
bounds>}}, {type = objNone, {booln = -1219323620, 
      intg = -1219323620, real = 1.4943066496036259e-268, string = 0xb752991c,
name = 0xb752991c "he\027", array = 0xb752991c, 
      dict = 0xb752991c, stream = 0xb752991c, ref = {num = -1219323620, gen =
139705440}, cmd = 0xb752991c "he\027"}}, {type = objNone, {
      booln = -1234755020, intg = -1234755020, real = -2.0349244565020117e-42,
string = 0xb6672234, name = 0xb6672234 "\b", 
      array = 0xb6672234, dict = 0xb6672234, stream = 0xb6672234, ref = {num =
-1234755020, gen = -1220104018}, cmd = 0xb6672234 "\b"}}}
        numArgs = 0
        i = 6
        lastAbortCheck = 0
        timer = (GooTimer *) 0xb6672048
#7  0xb7422e68 in Gfx::display (this=0x83f96a0, obj=0xb6672234, topLevel=1) at
        obj2 = {type = objNone, {booln = 139719632, intg = 139719632, real =
6.9030670220781298e-316, string = 0x853f3d0, 
    name = 0x853f3d0 "", array = 0x853f3d0, dict = 0x853f3d0, stream =
0x853f3d0, ref = {num = 139719632, gen = 0}, cmd = 0x853f3d0 ""}}
        i = <value optimized out>
#8  0xb7468046 in Page::display (this=0x84511f8, gfx=0x83f96a0) at Page.cc:446
        obj = {type = objStream, {booln = 139657936, intg = 139657936, real =
-3.9892121781773595e-42, string = 0x85302d0, 
    name = 0x85302d0 "h\211R·\003", array = 0x85302d0, dict = 0x85302d0,
stream = 0x85302d0, ref = {num = 139657936, gen = -1219084904}, 
    cmd = 0x85302d0 "h\211R·\003"}}
#9  0xb7553dfc in poppler_page_get_image_mapping (page=0x8445a28) at
        map_list = <value optimized out>
        i = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "GList*
#10 0x0809e7d6 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ENUM () at gmarshal.c:334
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x080997ab in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ENUM () at gmarshal.c:334
No symbol table info available.
#12 0x0806185c in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ENUM () at gmarshal.c:334
No symbol table info available.
#13 0x0805fab3 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ENUM () at gmarshal.c:334
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x0805ffec in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ENUM () at gmarshal.c:334
No symbol table info available.
#15 0xb6e243a4 in g_thread_create_proxy (data=0x81556b8) at gthread.c:635
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_thread_create_proxy"
#16 0xb7573462 in start_thread () from /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#17 0xb6cfc82e in clone () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
        __elf_set___libc_subfreeres_element_fstab_free__ = (const void *)
        fstab_state = {fs_fp = 0x0, fs_buffer = 0x0, fs_mntres = {mnt_fsname =
0x0, mnt_dir = 0x0, mnt_type = 0x0, mnt_opts = 0x0, 
    mnt_freq = 0, mnt_passno = 0}, fs_ret = {fs_spec = 0x0, fs_file = 0x0,
fs_vfstype = 0x0, fs_mntops = 0x0, fs_type = 0x0, fs_freq = 0, 
    fs_passno = 0}}

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