[Poppler-bugs] [Bug 78990] PDF Text hinting does not work for embedded otf fonts (CID Type 0C), does work for truetype.

James Cloos cloos at jhcloos.com
Wed May 21 09:38:23 PDT 2014

That new screenshot confirms that the metrics changed.

pdftocairo and pdftoppm also exibit the anomaly.

mudraw does not seem to.

All use freetype to render the fonts.

But using ftview on the two fonts also shows the cff font darker than
that glyf version.  Unless both are rendered with forced auto hinting.

That strongly suggests that it is a freetype issue.

Try the full fonts side by side in ftview, comparing the hinting modes
and gama.  Either both in the same instance, using n and p to switch
between them, or each in its own ftview.

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