[poppler] [patch]fix cjk font display

Alf 980501427 at sina.com
Mon Jul 11 18:26:10 EST 2005

This patch is from xpdf-3.00, fixed display cjk fonts which not embedded in pdf file (need xpdf cjk language package).

diff -Naur poppler-0.3.3.orig/poppler/CharCodeToUnicode.h poppler-0.3.3/poppler/CharCodeToUnicode.h
--- poppler-0.3.3.orig/poppler/CharCodeToUnicode.h 2005-03-04 03:46:00.000000000 +0800
+++ poppler-0.3.3/poppler/CharCodeToUnicode.h 2005-07-06 20:23:08.000000000 +0800
@@ -66,6 +66,10 @@
   // Map a CharCode to Unicode.
   int mapToUnicode(CharCode c, Unicode *u, int size);
+  // Return the mapping's length, i.e., one more than the max char
+  // code supported by the mapping.
+  CharCode getLength() { return mapLen; }
   void parseCMap1(int (*getCharFunc)(void *), void *data, int nBits);
diff -Naur poppler-0.3.3.orig/poppler/SplashOutputDev.cc poppler-0.3.3/poppler/SplashOutputDev.cc
--- poppler-0.3.3.orig/poppler/SplashOutputDev.cc 2005-03-04 03:46:01.000000000 +0800
+++ poppler-0.3.3/poppler/SplashOutputDev.cc 2005-07-06 20:12:12.000000000 +0800
@@ -502,7 +502,11 @@
   double m11, m12, m21, m22, w1, w2;
   SplashCoord mat[4];
   char *name;
-  int c, substIdx, n, code;
+//  int c, substIdx, n, code;
+  CharCodeToUnicode *ctu;
+  Unicode uBuf[8];
+  int c, substIdx, n, code, cmap;
+  dfp = NULL;
   needFontUpdate = gFalse;
   font = NULL;
@@ -546,7 +550,7 @@
     } else if (!(fileName = gfxFont->getExtFontFile())) {
       // look for a display font mapping or a substitute font
-      dfp = NULL;
+//      dfp = NULL;
       if (gfxFont->isCIDFont()) {
  if (((GfxCIDFont *)gfxFont)->getCollection()) {
    dfp = globalParams->
@@ -652,10 +656,54 @@
     case fontCIDType2:
       n = ((GfxCIDFont *)gfxFont)->getCIDToGIDLen();
       codeToGID = (Gushort *)gmalloc(n * sizeof(Gushort));
       memcpy(codeToGID, ((GfxCIDFont *)gfxFont)->getCIDToGID(),
       n * sizeof(Gushort));
+      codeToGID = NULL;
+      n = 0;
+      if (dfp) {
+ // create a CID-to-GID mapping, via Unicode
+ if ((ctu = ((GfxCIDFont *)gfxFont)->getToUnicode())) {
+   if ((ff = FoFiTrueType::load(fileName->getCString()))) {
+     // look for a Unicode cmap
+     for (cmap = 0; cmap < ff->getNumCmaps(); ++cmap) {
+       if ((ff->getCmapPlatform(cmap) == 3 &&
+     ff->getCmapEncoding(cmap) == 1) ||
+    ff->getCmapPlatform(cmap) == 0) {
+  break;
+       }
+     }
+     if (cmap < ff->getNumCmaps()) {
+       // map CID -> Unicode -> GID
+       n = ctu->getLength();
+       codeToGID = (Gushort *)gmalloc(n * sizeof(Gushort));
+       for (code = 0; code < n; ++code) {
+  if (ctu->mapToUnicode(code, uBuf, 8) > 0) {
+    codeToGID[code] = ff->mapCodeToGID(cmap, uBuf[0]);
+  } else {
+    codeToGID[code] = 0;
+  }
+       }
+     }
+     delete ff;
+   }
+   ctu->decRefCnt();
+ } else {
+   error(-1, "Couldn't find a mapping to Unicode for font '%s'",
+  gfxFont->getName() ? gfxFont->getName()->getCString()
+                     : "(unnamed)");
+ }
+      } else {
+ if (((GfxCIDFont *)gfxFont)->getCIDToGID()) {
+   n = ((GfxCIDFont *)gfxFont)->getCIDToGIDLen();
+   codeToGID = (Gushort *)gmalloc(n * sizeof(Gushort));
+   memcpy(codeToGID, ((GfxCIDFont *)gfxFont)->getCIDToGID(),
+   n * sizeof(Gushort));
+ }
+      }
       if (!(fontFile = fontEngine->loadTrueTypeFont(

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