[poppler] Mailing list test

Kristian Høgsberg krh at bitplanet.net
Thu Mar 3 19:32:22 PST 2005


I'm testing the mailing list.  If you're reading this you probably saw 
my announcement on xdg list: we have a mailing list (well, duh!), CVS 
repository and a web page: poppler.freedesktop.org.

For now, I'm the only person with commit access to the repository, and 
since the poppler group hasn't been added to LDAP yet, I can't change 
that right now.  I want to change that in the future, of course, but 
even when we do open up CVS I'd like to see patches posted to this list 
first.  This is common practice in many projects, and I think it's 
especially important for this project, where we're going from having 
each our own xpdf copy to sharing the same code base.  Poppler will be 
used in KDE and GNOME PDF viewers and could well end up in CUPS or 
OpenOffice.org, so we need to make sure we don't add patches or 
dependencies that are unacceptable for those projects.  The usual 
disclaimer about simple bug fixes, or other small, trivial patches such 
as the one from Jeff Muizelaar I just committed applies; these go 
straight to CVS.


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