[poppler] New API

Jonathan Blandford jrb at redhat.com
Sat Mar 26 21:38:10 PST 2005


I converted evince over to using the new glib API locally on my machine.
It seems to work fine for simple viewing.  I want to add API for
thumbnailing and for the indexing.  The thumbnailing seems
straightforward enough, something like:

GdkPixbuf *poppler_page_get_thumbnail(PopplerPage *page);

should suffice.  It will return a pixbuf iff a prerendered one exists.
As for the indexing, there are a couple ways I could do it.  I could go
for the really easy approach and do:

GtkTreeModel *poppler_document_get_index (PopplerDocument *doc);

Which would return a GtkTreeStore filled with Links, etc.  While
really useful for evince, it's not particularly generic.  The
alternative is to provide a mechanism to generate the tree.

Additionally, we're going to need a PopplerLink pretty soon.


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