[poppler] documentation?

Jonathan Blandford jrb at redhat.com
Tue Nov 22 10:46:53 PST 2005

On Sat, 2005-11-19 at 14:21 -0800, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to use poppler in a gtk 2.x program, but I can't find
> any documentation and the details are overwhelming.  For instance,
> looking at PopplerPage::poppler_page_render_to_pixbuf, what is the
> meaning of src_x, src_y, src_width, src_height, and why are these
> integers while poppler_page_get_size returns doubles?
> Even a few comments in the headers files would help :-(
> Am I overlooking something?

Hi Ian,

I never got around to finishing setting up gtk-doc for the glib
bindings.  Someday, I'll find the time.  There are doc comments in the C
code, though:

 * poppler_page_render_to_pixbuf:
 * @page: the page to render from
 * @src_x: x coordinate of upper left corner
 * @src_y: y coordinate of upper left corner
 * @src_width: width of rectangle to render
 * @src_height: height of rectangle to render
 * @scale: scale specified as pixels per point
 * @rotation: rotate the document by the specified degree
 * @pixbuf: pixbuf to render into
 * First scale the document to match the specified pixels per point,
 * then render the rectangle given by the upper left corner at
 * (src_x, src_y) and src_width and src_height.

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