[poppler] Support for building with the Microsoft compiler

Reece Dunn msclrhd at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 2 08:50:45 PST 2006

sylvain wrote:
> Hello, i am sorry for my very bad english. I try to compile with VC++ 
> express the XPDF/Poppler library  with unicode and it fails gfile.cc and 
> GlobalParams.cc. I  am trying to modify it but i am a noob... Have you ever 
> done it?

I did it a while back with xpdf: all the functions that complain, e.g.
GetFileName, add an A to the end. In this example, it will be GetFileNameA.

The Windows functions that take string arguments have an A and a W
variant. For a function 'example', the Unicode version is 'exampleW' and the
non-Unicode version is 'exampleA'. This applies to some data structures as
well (e.g. LOGFONT).

NOTE: You will not be able to use unicode strings (e.g. Japanese file paths)
with this technique. Adding propper ANSI/Unicode support is a much larger
task. (Most of XPDF/poppler should work, it is just that more analysis would
be needed to determine what would be required for true unicode support).

The compiler will inform you what you need to change.

See https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7107 for more information
on getting the basic tools building on Windows. This is just the command-line
tools (pdf2text, etc.), I haven't determined what would be required for the
xpdf GUI.

- Reece
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