[poppler] [PATCH] GLib method to read a PDF from memory

Jeff Muizelaar jeff at infidigm.net
Wed Dec 20 13:35:09 PST 2006

On Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 11:58:59AM -0800, Brad Taylor wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm currently writing an application which streams PDF data from the
> network, then views it using Poppler.  Not only is it inconvenient, but
> in this case, it is also legally dubious to save this data to disk for
> the purposes of using poppler_document_new_from_file.

I'd buy the inconvenience argument but the legality one is sort of
weak. What are we trying to prevent?

> As described in bug #9332, a new method which takes a char* argument for
> the data is required.  The attached patch adds this support to the GLib
> frontend, creating a MemStream and then passing it into a new PDFDoc.
> Let me know what you think.

This implementation copies a lot of the code poppler_document_from_file
which is not ideal. It'd be better if the duplicate code could be


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