[poppler] Compiling poppler with MSVC

Krzysztof Kowalczyk kkowalczyk at gmail.com
Sat Jun 3 14:41:42 PDT 2006

On 6/2/06, Piotr Szymański <niedakh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Could you tell me how to build poppler with MSVC2005?

I just compiled poppler for windows under msvc2005 for my Sumatra PDF
viewer for Windows, so you can probably re-use most of that work.

In short:
* get latest poppler sources from cvs
* apply the win32 portability patch from
* either create a win32 project from scratch or start from my project
for Sumatra PDF viewer
(http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/). You would need to
modify it a bit. All the paths assume that poppler is at the same
directory level as sumatra sources. Also, it statically links to
freetype library and doesn't (yet?) use zlib or libjpeg or cairo. You
would also need to remove all sumatra pdf files and add your own. Or
better yet, turn the project into a library. Either way, it didn't
take me more than 2 hours to create this project so re-creating it is
not a big deal. You just need to be careful about which files you

-- kjk | http://blog.kowalczyk.info

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