C-only poppler API (Re: [poppler] poppler CUPS integration)

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Fri Oct 27 13:17:52 PDT 2006

A Divendres 27 Octubre 2006 21:35, Martin Schröder va escriure:
> 2006/10/27, Ondřej Surý <ondrej at sury.org>:
> > Frank Küster (one of affected Debian maintainers) will ask upstream of
> > pdftex and meanwhile he compiled list of functions used in xpdf code:
> >
> > Ref
> > GfxFont
> > GBool
> > PDFDoc
> > GString
> > LinkDest
> > Stream
> Hello,
> I'm the maintainer of pdfTeX. :-)
> The low-level-answer: We have these includes in two files
> (pdftoepdf.cc and pdftosrc.cc):
> #include <GString.h>
> #include <gmem.h>
> #include <gfile.h>
> #include "Object.h"
> #include "Stream.h"
> #include "Array.h"
> #include "Dict.h"
> #include "XRef.h"
> #include "Catalog.h"
> #include "Link.h"
> #include "Page.h"
> #include "GfxFont.h"
> #include "PDFDoc.h"
> #include "GlobalParams.h"
> #include "Error.h"
> The high-level answer: pdfTeX uses xpdf to include pages from pdfs
> into the pdfs it produces, so we need everything to be able to parse,
> copy and manipulate the document, it's pages and their objects.

I assume you have code that uses the above mentioned classes to do this, 
right? because AFAIK xpdf code can not do what you want (merging pdf, etc), 
so what about importing your code to poppler and giving it a stable api so 
other people can use it too?

> We are not concerned about rendering.

Well, i am, so you'll care about non rendering and i about rendering, ok? ;-)

> We also need the code to not only run on Linux, but Unix and Windows as
> well.

This is poppler desire too.


> Best
>    Martin

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