[poppler] Copying text from PDF

Max Vasin max.vasin at gmail.com
Wed May 21 01:55:52 PDT 2008


	I write a PDF reader (which will hopefully evolve into something
like Evince but without dependecies on GNOME libraries) using Qt4 and  
When I try to copy text from a page I get strage (to me) results. If  
is called with a null QRectF it works fine, but if I pass it a non-null  
QRectF like this:
	Poppler::Page* page = doc->page(0);
	QRectF rect = QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), page->pageSizeF());
	QString str1 = page->text(rect);				// I get str1.size() == 0
	QString str2 = page->text(QRectF());				// I get str2.size() != 0

it returns an empty string. What I'm doing wrong?

All libraries are from Debian testing:
	poppler-qt4 version 0.6.4
	qt4 version 4.4.0rc1

Max Vasin

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